You could argue the base does other stuff like agriculture washes of equipment before returning, but good luck explaining to the Cubans we need a part of their island to hose off shit too dangerous to be hosed off in America.
Actually, they’ve tried. Obama got close. It’s Trump that came around and blocked the transfer of the remaining eligible prisoners Obama had set to release. Trump said he wanted to add more. As of last month, Biden had gotten it down to 15.
And Dems never put an end to it…
You could argue the base does other stuff like agriculture washes of equipment before returning, but good luck explaining to the Cubans we need a part of their island to hose off shit too dangerous to be hosed off in America.
Though they did try a number of times.
Yeah but turban browns are scawy and sombrero browns are sometimes friend shaped.
Actually, they’ve tried. Obama got close. It’s Trump that came around and blocked the transfer of the remaining eligible prisoners Obama had set to release. Trump said he wanted to add more. As of last month, Biden had gotten it down to 15.