Putin be like.
House and senate are nothing but closet fascist enablers at this point
I feel like for that analogy to fit, I need to imagine that the door to the closet has a hole in it with arrows pointing to it and a flashing sign that says “sucky sucky in here!”
Are we still not allowed to talk about Russia when it comes to donvict, at least according to the Enlightened Centrists, and the tone police on the left?
Asking for a friend.
The ultimate useful idiot
It is amazing that Democrat senators unanimously vote against a former Democrat who is a minority woman.
Oh look, another person to block.
Former Democrat… Current russian asset…fuck off
That stupid claim started with Hillary making the accusation without providing evidence.
Cool. How about the fact that she was very pro-Assad and praising Russia for backing him?
You can read the literal words she says in that article, but something tells me you won’t.
So if you say something positive about let say Pelosi, then you have ties with Pelosi? What kind of logic is that?
Do you think that maybe being pro-Assad and praising Russia for backing him might make her a poor choice for the role she’s been handed?
Nope. She got 52 out of 53 Republican votes. If you only listen to left wing media, you probably won’t figure out why the Republicans don’t have issues with her gender and race.
What does the number of votes have to do with her support of a ruthless dictator like Bashar Assad? All that proves is that Republicans are fine with her supporting a horrible ruthless dictator that tortured and murdered countless people. You can make this about her race and gender all you like, but all you’re doing is ignoring the quotes of her saying literal things and support of both him and Russia in that article. Not that I’m surprised that you’re ignoring her actual words that she said. It makes it much easier to defend her if you ignore them. Not honest, but easier.
Lol no it’s not, she’s did that to herself basically believing russian propaganda and aligning with it.
She gave her honest opinion.
No she spews out russian propaganda…
She is free to speak on the point of view that you don’t like.
And everyone else is free to criticize her, even if that’s a point of view you don’t like.
If your best defense of her is, “The things she’s said aren’t illegal,” that’s not exactly a high bar.
Hey, what’s it like working at the troll farm, knowing that large language models are all of two seconds from ending your job? Do you have any other prospects lined up?
You are the one working at a troll farm.
^ name checks out. 🤣
Interesting that to the left, liberty is considered bad.
Close, I’m actually working at your mom’s house.
WTF? What does being a minority woman have to do with anything?
Yes, focus on that and ignore the fact that she’s in a cult take takes homophobia to grand new heights.
Turns out when you opportunistically betray your party and join the other side, you tend to alienate the party you were with before! Who knew?
Have we finally solved the mystery of why people dislike former revolutionary war general Benedict Arnold?
I think the Democrats are actually racist and sexist, that is why they vote against Tulsi. Republicans have no problems voting for her.
What other copy paste “thoughts” do you have lol. You can’t actually be serious.
What counter argument points do you have? Lol
Counter argument? I’m not counter arguing I’m saying what you said is stupid. That’s all
I suppose you don’t understand my argument. That is fine.
Your argument that the dems are racist and sexist because they don’t want someone with Russian ties to be in charge of one of the most important parts of government? Or is that not what you said.
Lol. I’m sure you’re playing those cards in good faith.
It couldn’t have anything to do with her politics or the fact that she’s an opportunist with no principles who flipped to the right as soon as it was personally advantageous for her. Nope, every single Democrat, including those who are women, racial minorities, or female racial minorities, could only possibly dislike her because of racism and sexism 🙄
God I hate Tulcels.
She isn’t an opportunist. The Democrats pushed her into the Republicans. Trump have built a strong coalition with RKJ and Tulsi.
Lol, right. So when she was still calling herself a democrat and went on Fox News as far back as 2015 to shit talk Obama for not being hawkish enough in the Middle East, did the democrats “push her” to do that? How, exactly? Say it, that you think the democrats should’ve been more hawkish like Tulsi wanted.
Oh, but you can’t, can you? Because she flip flopped into pretending to be an isolationist, as soon as it was convenient. And suckers like you eat it up hook, line, and sinker.
Of course you’d also like RFK. If you buy into one insincere opportunist grifter who believes in nothing, why not another?
I definitely like Tulsi and RKJ much more than Liz Cheny.
I like dying by gunshot more than dying by electrocution.
I, for one am SHOCKED that you like Tulsi and RKJ rather than someone who denounced putin lol.
The vote was 52 in favor and 48 against, with all Democrats and Republican senator Mitch McConnell opposing her nomination.
Mitchies vote would matter if it wasn’t pure performance by a guy 2/3 in the grave.
I’m just glad the Democrats finally voted as one.
Mitch the Bitch is just mad that they’re taking power from him.
The contradiction in that title is stunning.
She stuck her finger into the political winds way back in 2012 and came up supporting Hinduvista India, Qatar, and Donald Trump. Cynical? Duplicitous? Treasonous? All fair characterizations. But she started out a Democrat from a bright blue district and climbed all the way up the GOP colon into George Bush Jr’s old role as Intelligence Director. Seems like she figured something out.
That 52 Republicans decided to throw their lot behind a Democrat from Hawaii with more foreign entanglements than anyone could count is mind-boggling. But that seems like a stupid fuck-up on everyone else’s head.
Also gotta say… another person Joe Biden had four full fucking years to indict under the Espionage Act and decide to just ignore.
Joe Biden’s mistake was appointing Meritless Gutless Garland. Biden isn’t to blame for any more than that. Garland is the man who should be remembering in infamy.
Biden isn’t to blame for any more than that.
It’s weird how the chief executive isn’t to blame for the actions of his direct reports.
holding a pro-Russia stance
She’s a fucking Russian asset!
When did The Guardian sell out? I missed that. They were pretty good as recently as the presidentoal campaign season, but they’ve apparently now joined the ranks of the compromised media who deliberately shift the narrative to take the fascist edges off of the Musk/Trump coup d’etat.
Wouldn’t they be legally liable for that unless they can prove it in court?
Edit: I was a bit mistaken. It was in fact the Observer that was sold by the Guardian group. Still seems like there’s smoke which indicates fire but I was not entirely correct here. See one of the replies to my comment for more information.
Based on what I can find, The Guardian was actually sold to a company called Tortoise Media two months ago in December 2024. And according to Wikipedia:
Guardian and Observer journalists voted to strike on 4 and 5 December 2024 in protest over a sale that they said would betray the commitment of the Scott Trust—owner of the Guardian Media Group—to the Observer.
So not even the journalists wanted this company in control. And funnily enough, there was a Guardian article in 2018 that specifically mentioned Tortoise Media while talking about the “increased involvement of private wealth in the journalism industry” and how that is a bad thing. So from what I can tell, it can no longer be trusted.
The goal is for the oligarchs/fascists to control all the news and media. It is progressing well.
Thanks for the legwork.
That’s a shame. They were one of the few left that actually had some integrity, but apparently that’s over.
I don’t think they sold The Guardian, but the Guardian Media Group sold most/all their other newspaper titles. In December it was The Observer.
Ah, thank you for the correction. I was under the assumption that both the Observer and the Guardian were sold but looking again, seems to be just the Observer. I’ll edit my first post to direct people to your comment.
Please put the edit at the top. Most people will just read first paragraph of your post and miss it.
Good point. Done.
Then Republicans will complain about the information Tulsi leaks to the Russian government.
like fuck they will, they’re all russian assets
Oh they will, but in their performative crowing it won’t be Tulsi they’re blaming
Yeah, no, they won’t give two shits. They’d all happily be Putin’s lapdog. They find his leadership inspiring.
Putin might as well have a seat in the situation room.
He has more than one.
Good to know that you can be in charge of intelligence even when you have none of your own.
It’s worrying that this isn’t as high on Lemmy (or Reddit) as it should be. We all knew this was going to happen, but still, isn’t this more important than articles about Trump’s humiliation?
I mean, I get it, there’s some serious schadenfreude there, but as with last time around, Trump’s clown antics are distracting from the serious damage that’s going on directly behind him.
We all knew this was going to happen, but still, isn’t this more important than articles about Trump’s humiliation?
It isn’t as fun or as sexy, so it doesn’t get the same number of Updoots.
Trump’s clown antics are distracting from the serious damage that’s going on directly behind him.
It’s only a distraction if you can do something about it. 52 Republicans put a Democrat with a snarl of ties to half a dozen foreign powers directly into the heart of the national intelligence service. Now you’ve read the headlines. You’re clued in. What’s your next move?