Diane’s NPR ringtones in Bojack Horseman
This trash can is empty like my soul
There’s a bunch in the Simpsons, but my favorite is probably them trashing Arby’s. I always thought marketing didn’t work on me until I started watching the Simpsons and mysteriously stopped liking Arby’s.
I leave my gag at home when I run.
I got into psych (TV show) because of an ex and eventually I convinced my father to watch it. Well now he quotes it all the time. The one that comes up almost daily is “I’ve heard it both ways” after one of us pronounces something wrong or someone else pronounces something wrong.
Goofy fun show. You gotta just enjoy the goofiness and not think too much. Luckily it has tons of themed episodes and endless references to other Pop culture moments. The writing is snappy and honestly you miss a lot of jokes the first time around because half of them are said under someone’s breath or by someone slightly off screen and outta focus.
“Did you hear about Pluto? That’s messed up”
I have used that line to start a conversation with an untold number of women lol.
Most of them just think it’s funny. Sometimes they get the reference. One woman was legitimately mad at me for having used a line from a TV show lol. It’s just a good line.
“I just wanted to tell you both, good luck. We’re all counting on you.”
And don’t call me Shirley.
“I picked a bad day to give up cigarettes.”
The giant chicken. Haven’t watched an ep of FamGuy in years, but that was always the best.
My mind goes to the literal running gag in the ancient webcomic 1/0. It was the word GAG given arms and legs and it would run around out of sight and turn up quite literally when the strip needed a punchline, or at least I think that was the idea.
Taskmaster: Little Alex Horne!!!
“That’s what she said”
Paul Rudd on Conan when he shows a clip from his latest project and it’s a scene from the 1987 film Mac and Me.
“…in a manner that would go unmatched until the 1989 release of Belgian techno-anthem, Pump Up the Jam.”
Me and a close friend have this 2+ years long running inside joke about a particular city in England that nobody else would get. We could be talking about the most random and seemingly completely unrelated thing and the inside joke about the city gets interjected in. Sometimes I beat my friend to it by mere seconds!
Too many to choose from in Arrested Development
Blue handprint.
Analyst + therapist = analrapist
First that comes to mind is non of the Blueths know how to mock someone for being a chicken.
Next is the ‘should have left a note.’
“Does anyone in this family know what a chicken sounds like?”
Voice of Ron Howard: There were too many to choose..
Edit: This reminded me of another favorite running gag:
The Hacker in Leverage names everything after references to other shows. The fake IDs he creates are frequently less known Doctor Who or Star Trek actors.
And the Hacker’s van is named Lucille. Which I thought might be a nod to Arrested Development, until…
Very minor spoiler for the fate of the van in Leverage
The van, Lucille is destroyed. When the Hacker gets a replacement van, he names it Lucille 2.