Sadly I have more on my phone than my work computer by a wide margin. I have 8 focus’s, each with something like 60 tabs. They’re basically bookmarks at this point. The phone does such a great job of killing those processes that it really doesn’t matter.
Mobile browser tabs are both too persistent in that they don’t get cleaned up when you close the browser, and too amnesiac in that they can kill a connection if they are placed in background for even a couple of seconds.
You never have to close a browser tab again. If a window is full just minimize it and start a new one!
I just hit 230 on my phone.
Sadly I have more on my phone than my work computer by a wide margin. I have 8 focus’s, each with something like 60 tabs. They’re basically bookmarks at this point. The phone does such a great job of killing those processes that it really doesn’t matter.
I’ve opened infinity on my phone if Firefox is to be trusted.
Mobile browser tabs are both too persistent in that they don’t get cleaned up when you close the browser, and too amnesiac in that they can kill a connection if they are placed in background for even a couple of seconds.
Its the worst of both worlds.
I hate having more than 5 open at a time. Apparently this is not normal.
I do the same. Spare tabs are bad and drain data.
The way it was meant to be
Only 5?
Or did you forget to type a zero or two?
5 tabs
Wow, I’ve got more than that pinned