I often find myself reading something on the bus or subway, but then not understand anything I read. This seems to be because of the constant noises. Not even instrumental music helps, as that distracts me as well and also does not always match the theme of the book.
The best working one in noisy places seems to be white noise, with complete silence being the best overall. How do yall handle such situations?
Uh, really depends on the type of book, what kind of noise it is, and how concentrated I am. I don’t think I can do it early in the morning or after a long day. I have some amount of tolerance when my brain is still well off. But there’s certainly a limit. And it’s different on each train. The people who commute to and from work are often considerate. But once I’m directly in between a group of people who talk to each other, I put away my book and switch to music, or doom-scrolling on my phone. But I’ve read quite some things at various places and on the train. So it can’t be too hard for me.
It might be auditory processing disorder. The second more than one person is talking (and books count) I begin to crave death.
Yes. And even then I struggle to concentrate. This is what modern life has done to us.
Not at all.
I grew up in a big family, in a busy household. My kids laugh at me because when reading (and it really is only when I am reading) I tune out everything. They would be yelling “mom! MOM!” and I wouldn’t notice.
No but I need complete silence when I fall asleep trying to read a book though.
I need complete silence for stuff that require precision and concentration, working and reading are the main ones. I could read manga or something in a not so quiet environment but that’s it.
Same. Give me an anechoic chamber. I want venous hum.
For me in a way, yes. When I used to read books on a regular basis, I found it more easier to digest if I had nobody or nothing around to make noise. I can deal with small noises like random cracks or a pop here and there. Long as it wasn’t amplified or anything. When I listen to things such as music or take in sound in general, my mind goes everywhere and it can’t focus on the pages of a book.
I always hated it when people try talking to me when louder noise is present and expect me to hear them perfectly. My mind is not focusing on your words, it’s focusing on that obnoxious noise that’s disrupting things.
Honestly, no. I actually prefer a bit of background noise.
No, but I can tune out some noises better than others. There are some noisy situations in which I simply cannot get through even a single sentence.
I don’t need it, strictly speaking, but I definitely prefer it. White noise is okay if I need to drown other sound out.
No. I would read on the bus. I can read in the most crazy of spaces…
The Expanse was something I was absolutely absorbed with. Each new book was magic to my imagination.
I rode public transit and had to walk a lot to get to work, through downtown Seattle
I would read and walk, I knew the best/optimal path that would have the least traffic and still get me to work on time. My bosses boss found me one day reading and waiting for the crosswalk and then crossing in rush hour traffic and it blew her mind. I was listening to the world around me but I was in that book!
The Expanse is some of the finest fiction (and TV!) I’ve ever experienced. Holding off on a 3rd read because there’s so much more out there I’ve never touched.
I was once again pitching the Expanse to my sister tonight. To anyone who hasn’t dove in: if you’re nerdy enough for the fediverse; you’ll love it.
I have tinnitus that makes concentrating on anything in complete silence absolutely aggravating. The tiniest bit of background noise makes it so I don’t notice it anymore, so I generally have an instrumental playing when I need to focus on something like homework or reading.
LOL, I kinda like the tinnitus. Mine is either on the low end, or it just doesn’t bother my brain.
Sometimes I’m reading in bed, twist my ear into the pillow just right, “eeeeeeee”. I pause and think, “Neat! There it go!”, and start reading again. Like I have a volume knob in my head to squelch it.
Y’all talking about tinnitus got me thinking. Is that why I’m uncomfortable without the white noise of my little computer rack or bedroom fan? Or is 25-years of IT work telling me, “silence BAD!” Honestly don’t know.
It depends on the book. I think it works better with horror or books that are focused on music to have a playlist in the background.
I don’t need silence, I usually read to instrumental music. But if you throw in any lyrics or speak while I’m reading I’ll look at you angrily get up and move.
Not complete, but fairly close. Any background talking makes it difficult.