These people have never had to face the consequences of their actions and it shows.
The US has done an absolute metric fuckton of coddling the absolute worst people and it shows.
That’s why the state was founded - to violently enforce the disgusting privilege of slavers.
These people are the heirs to that “throne” (ie. toilet).
Even when they did have to face the consequences, you know like Prances with Hawley, they still don’t learn.
Until they fear anti-fascists more, they will continue to capitulate to fascism.
I hate how true this is. I still won’t personally engage in violence out of principle, but the populous as a whole can only take so much before not even Netflix can distract them any longer, especially when the fascist government actively engages in violent behavior against that same populous.
I also hate how most people don’t care about what’s happening until it personally affects them or someone they know. Like, it’s just basic empathy.
Yeah, I mean they are in the shit now. I guess they should have considered where capitulation puts them. Falling out of windows probably.
Well maybe their base will have some local peaceful January 6th style protests in their neighborhoods.
This is why you don’t radicalize people. The less Trumpy members of the GOP had ample opportunity to speak up and make a change.
In the short term, you get a dedicated, cult-like following. In the longer term, nothing functions – even the stuff you want to function. Deradicalization takes a lot of time and resources, if you can even get that far.
I sincerely wonder what happens when Trump no longer exists. He is no spring chicken. Are all of these shortsighted politicians just going to bow to Don Jr. when the time comes? Because that’s what they have set themselves up for by being either stupid or spineless.
Maybe, just maybe, if will dawn on some of them that if their own party is acting like the Gestapo, they are on the wrong side of history…
Nah, who am I kidding.
Something weak something hard times something something?
What did they expect, other than SS troopers?
my brother in christ you made the sandwich
Obligatory leopards and faces.
This is why I’m constantly hating on the state. I figure that I’m being monitored regardless of its current branding.
lol. Eat shit and die.
Truly, there has never been a more disappointing collection of flaccid chodes. No backbones to speak of in the lot of them.
Aw shucks, I’m fresh out of pity for traitors.