People are storming the streets and town halls, Elon is dissolving the whole country and Trump is busy tending Putin’s toes. Where the fuck are the democrats in all this crisis? It feels AOC is doing all the heavylifting while all the rest of them smug bunch are just watching with “told ya dis was gunn happen” drawn on their face.
Please tell me my ignorant ass is just blatantly wrong because I ain’t getting any news.
They have slowed some appointments in House committees.
The Senate Democrats have stayed late to filibuster nominations
Democrats have an upcoming opportunity to refuse to pass a budget with the trillion dollar tax cuts that Musk and other billionaire are trying to somehow justify with every fibre of their being. This means that everyone in the House (including purple state Republicans) have to be in lock step, even 2-3 R-defectors will mean it doesn’t pass.
Democrats have been proposing amendments left and right, into the night… House members have suggested excluding people with wealth over $10M, $100M and $500M, all voted down. Senators like Andy Kim for example, have put on their Instagram pages, what they are trying to do.
Congresspeople are doing their job harder than they ever thought they would have to, but we should expect more.
I do think all the Democrats, should take more opportunities to visit their states to make people aware of what’s going on, what they’re doing in Congress to try to stop the worst stuff happening, and what ordinary people can do to push back as well. I think members should also boost each others message because probably pages like AOC’s have a lot more viewers from a district than their own district’s House Rep.
Perhaps a better question is, “What are you doing to help?”.
Supporting a national strike, canceling Amazon, leaving FB, might be a good start. Contacting you representative who doesn’t represent you seems to be futile. Maybe flash protests?Certainly, maybe you can make a new AskLemmy post for that.
I do think all the Democrats, should take more opportunities to visit their states to make people aware of what’s going on, what they’re doing in Congress to try to stop the worst stuff happening, and what ordinary people can do to push back as well. I think members should also boost each others message because probably pages like AOC’s have a lot more viewers from a district than their own district’s House Rep.
Good they are doing some legislative opposition, but you’re right they need to be doing more to push back outside of congress.
I’ve wondered if the they started buying ads on mobile games with a quick few lines to tell people what they have done or what the republicans are doing would work?
you by-pass large media, you get a younger audience and it gets a message out there quickly.
They’ve been doing as much as they can, such as stalling votes and filing lawsuits. They have literally no power, so there isn’t much they can do short of committing violence.
HOWEVER, one thing they could be doing is more attention-grabbing stunts. The octogenarians in party leadership don’t understand that attention is the most valuable commodity these days. If they formed a human shield to block people getting into the Senate chambers to further delay Trump’s nominees, they’d get heaps of attention and far fewer people would be asking what they’re doing to stop the fascist takeover. At least their objections would be visibly plastered all over TV and social media rather than confined to the vote tallies in the Senate.
Down the road, when (or if) Trump needs to have actual legislation passed, he’s going to have a major problem in the House. The House Republican caucus can’t agree on what to order for lunch, so they’ll likely need Democratic votes to get any legislation passed. This is the only area where Dems have a modicum of power.
I’m not sure why this is directed solely towards democrats. They’re not the only ones affected by the change towards dictatorship.
-the better question is:
What is ANYONE doing to help?
Like who? The Republicans have bought into his death cult wholesale. Their god-emperor can do no wrong.
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If you want the answer to your question, just go read. A lot of people are doing a lot already. It’s just not Washington Democrats.
But if you want to know why we should be targeting the Democrats, it’s because we know what the Republicans in Washington were able to do when Obama was president and when Biden was present. The Dems have power, but they are pretending that they don’t.
And we the people are calling out to these Democrats and telling them hey, if you want the country to survive, you need to level up. And if you don’t, and the country does somehow survive anyway, we will make sure to throw you to the curb as soon as we can. But we really do need your help now because the situation is s***.
Exactly. Republicans don’t have a filibuster proof super majority in the Senate so Dems could filibuster the Senate to death to block Trump appointments from being voted on like Republicans did to Dems, but no, rich white liberals aren’t hurt by Trump’s fascism so they don’t care
They’re busy with strongly worded letters, no doubt.
While at night getting paid by corporations to do their bidding?
What are the democrats actually doing to help?
I hope we don’t start getting the same sort of lists that we got about Biden’s accomplishments, where they counted Obama’s accomplishments, had multiple duplicate entries, counted proposals as accomplishments, and considered a fresh coat of paint on air force one as an accomplishment.
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I highly recommend Leeja Miller to understand what needs to be done and how much of that the Democrats are doing currently
Just saw the first 30 seconds but i love her naivete on this. She thinks they’re just coming for people’s rights. Aaawww, cute.
Trump just beheaded the army, making sure trump loyalists are all that’s left.
What do you think will happen when a bunch of death cult christofascists who want the apocalypse to bring Christ back get access to nukes?
What so you think will happen when a mob boss who doesn’t care millions of deaths, who wants to play land grab and steal canada, Greenland, latín America etc gets access to nukes with nobody to control his impulses?
So far things are escalating rapidly and “muh rights” is just the next rung on the ladder. I’m looking three to four rungs ahead and I’m very fucking worried as these shits have shown to give nothing about who dies, as long as they get better off. They also have shown to have no concept of consequences and again, they have access to nukes and now fill control of a military who now will say no to nothing.
And you’re complaining about rights. You think protests will do anything? Not that anyone wants to protest, recent “well stop the city” protests got sometimes even hundreds of people out, ooohh, craaazaaayy! Call me again once you have 100 million people in the streets, those hundreds do less than shit.
I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be a dixk, not to you, o don’t know you and I know the YouTuber and I know what she’s saying but I think we’re already way, WAY past all that.
Trump is speed running solidifying his position and once he has full control of all the branches that can stop or slow him, the gloves will come off.
Think it’s bad now? Wait a year. Think you can do anything to stop him? You can’t. Even if you could get millions of protesters in total, even if you could get tens of millions of protesters, its already too late for that, you’ll just look funny walking and screaming in the streets, they won’t give a fuck. You want tos strike? Paralyze the country? Wait until police starts killing protesters and see how long it takes for everyone to stop and go home to cry in a hole.
Stopping trump now requires someone extraordinary to do something extraordinary. I’m not implying anything, I’m simply saying that us plebs are already out of the game.
Maybe maybe maybe if all Republicans cut themselves off and just all Democrats,.maybe they could do something? Them again, too many Democrats are already saying to just support trump and work with him so yeah, forget about all that too.
I don’t know what can be done at this point. I can just only say “fuckyou Americans, all of you, for letting this happen, for unleashing this hell over the world”
If tomorrow Yellowstone would erupt and destroy the entirety of the US, I would just be relieved
What? Leeja Miller has no illusions about Trump being a fascist , Project 2025, or how Trump’s 2nd term will ruin Democracy. She’s a lawyer, so you won’t see her advocating for a violent uprising. She’s focused on what to do within our current institutions to fight back against Trump and Fascism. If you’re looking for revolutionary thought, I would highly recommend Franz Fanon
She’s a lawyer, so you won’t see her advocating for a violent uprising
Ah, yes, because the Nazis were famously beaten by lawyers…
We know from history that fascism cannot be beaten peacefully. We cannot appease or argue our way out of this problem.
Democrats only have the power that you give them. When Trump lost an election, his followers ransacked the Capital. When Pelosi opposed Republicans, her husband got his face smashed in.
What exactly do you expect AOC to do?
Start organizing. Which she, at least, is.
The neolibs?
Organizing what? She did as much as humanly possible in the last election but the country voted for Trump.
Oh wow, a slight majority voted against neoliberalism.
Better bend over and take it forever.
Plenty have been directly pressuring Republican congresspeople by rallying in their district like Sanders did this last week.
Direct legislative action is difficult without control, but in terms of effective messaging and pressuring Republicans by threatening the midterms is probably one of the more effective strategies they have.
Bernie is an independent who ran as a dem only for them to kneecap his campaign.
Direct legislative action is difficult without control
lol no it’s not. You create a bill called “Keep America a Democracy” or “Defending America from Russia” and then when the Republicans all vote “No” you have the best political weapon you could possibly get.
That’s called politicking, which they absolutely should be doing.
You’re indirectly getting laws through by twisting arms and making deals instead of just having a majority.
The american voters gave republicans the presidency, the senate and the house.
They also got control of the SCOTUS so the democrats don’t have many options right now.
Hopefully the people smarten up for the 2026 midterms and actually vote.
Exactly. What specifically are the democrats to do at this point?
More emails asking for donations? Have we tried this? Man I’m stumped
- delay as much as possible in the Senate:
- use local government to resist the federal government:
Centrists will ignore this and keep acting powerless.
Literally even a single thing at all would be nice
Pretend they are Republicans and start breaking the rules.
Not only that, but Trump spent the last 8 years purging the republican party of disloyalist. The first term Trump met resistance by his own party. This time anyone left who would resist him is gone and anyone who wants to will just be removed shortly after.
So like you didnt vote for people and are mad those people are not in positions to do anything? Like “where are the democrats?” Short answer: not elected.
It feels AOC is doing all the
heavyliftinggrandstanding while all the rest of them smug bunch are just watching with “told ya dis was gunn happen” drawn on their face.Please tell me my ignorant ass is just blatantly wrong because I ain’t getting any news.
You’re blatantly wrong. AOC lives to grandstand and pander. Just like mamabear Pelosi, she kept REALLY quiet about everything (including the ongoing genocide she voted to keep funding) when her team was in power.
Cast your attention to Rashida Tlaib if you want a real one. AOC is as fake as professional wrestling.
Well, they certainly didn’t help by running a candidate that got destroyed in the only primary she ran in. I’m hoping they will step up and run some solid candidates next round. It’s fucking embarrassing they lost to Trump…twice.
Based off their reactions to every thing that’s being going on it seems to me that they have learned absolutely nothing.
If the 2028 election was happening tomorrow I think the Democrats would lose again.
They’re already posturing Pete Buttigege to be their next chosen one. I wonder if the dems will even bother with primaries this time around.
Pete Buttigege
Jesus christ. And when he bombs they’ll go, “everyone wanted a younger candidate!”
when he bombs they’ll go, “everyone wanted a younger candidate!”
The worlds on fire and they’re worried about the color of the wallpaper.
If the 2028 election was happening tomorrow I think the Democrats would lose again.
Absolutely. They’d probably try to court Mitt Romney to run under their ticket.
Nothing of consequence, nobody is.
Yeah, here and there some may say that ooohh, trump bad!
He just beheaded the military which is literally the pre-last step needed. All he needs to do now is put trump loyalists in those positions, have them purge the rest of the top to ensure all are pro trump and them what’s going to stop him?
AOC? She’ll mysteriously disappear, next question.
Who is going to stop these fuckwads?
Next up, Canada will become the 51st state. Don’t wanna? Nuke Vancouver, who is going to stop him? What, Europe? They can get a few nukes too if they don’t like it, he has enough.
Next up, Panama becomes a US state. Don’t like it? See a pattern?
Next up, Greenland, and so on.
NOBODY HAS DONE ANYTHING. The US is always ALWAYS boasting about self sacrifice and the one hero who saves all, or maybe a group that bands together and goes against all odds and die in the process and and and… Nothing. So far the biggest actions I’ve seen were people resigning in protest, making even easier for trump WTF.
Ooohh, ther ehave been protests! Some cities had dozens of people, some even had hundreds!! Whooooo, Cheeto must be shitting bricks now!!
Nobody has done anything.
These are people whondobt care about laws
These are people that don’t care about consequences, nor do they have the ability to think about consequences
These are people who don’t care if you, or millions like you will die. Fuck you, die already, give us what we want.
In part, these are people who are working diligently to bring about the apocalypse so that jeebus christ will return or some delusional shit like that, and now they have access to nukes. Great going assholes (yes, if you’re American, that means you) YOU DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO FUCKING STOP ANY OF THIS.
Oh, what? You think that you did your job by voting? Well that sure wasn’t enough. These fuckers will fuck the world, when is someone going to do something to actually stop all of this shit?
Honestly, I don’t think anyone can do anything anymore anyway. Something could have been done by Biden. He had the extraordinary presidential powers, he could have simply stopped trump by pulling a trump. He refused, needed to do “the right thing” and fuck the world over in the process. Well done, asshole, hope you feel good about yourself.
I think we’re all fucked. I used to worry about climate change as I have a reasonable understanding of what it takes to stop it, let alone start to reverse it. It will take a huge effort and sacrifice from everyone in the world and we’ve done shit all and don’t care. Don’t worry if you live through trump (there is a good non zero chance that you won’t), climate change will end you.
Now I’m just worried about the world being destroyed beyond repair by trump already because again, nobody cares to actually stop all of them.
I’m kind of in the zone where I kust let it happen , once they come for me, I’ll be happy with my wife, we had an awesome run together, when we die, we will be happy in eachothers arms.
Luigi did something. We need more Luigis, but I fear we will get peasant-brain brown shirts instead