I’m the human of a cat named Piccolo, because when he was a kitten, he meowed like a little flute.
He was the fiercest puppy, so he became Ares. Except now he’s just eepy and very silly.
Richard Scarry/Busytown fans. Wife got a cat during COVID and named her Sally Cat.
While trying to come up with a name for our previous cat I kept getting shot down by my wife. “Nah…nah…” One day we were walking through the supermarket and she asked again and I facetiously looked around and saw a sign in the produce section and said, “How about Kiwi?” We both realized that we liked it. lol
Adopted our furball from a foster family after their original owners couldn’t keep him. We liked the name and kept it.
Spanish horror film called “El orfanato” (The Orphanage). The woman spent a lot of time calling for her son, “Simón” so now I do too. My son is a cat though.
I cannot recommend that film enough to anyone who’s a fan of horror movies which are more than just a fun spoop.
We don’t have pets but our neighbour has two cats and they are the bane of my existence. Yowling at the door even though we’ve never fed the little bastards, and scaring the birds away as they like to shake the branches of our tree.
As a result, we call the grey one “that little shit”, and the dotted one “that little cunt”. The names have stuck in our household, and we have to watch ourselves when we trade pleasantries with the neighbours.
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My rat’s name is Finnegan after the dog puppet from Mr. Dressup.
Cora, she is a white cat with a black heart shapped mark on her side, if was male the name would be Corazon(One Piece)
We have a dog which was called Betohven from the shelter. We called him Mozart, since it feels more… Manageable … YKWIM
I don’t actually know! Her microchip says her name is Shirley, but I tried two phone numbers and a physical address and never got in touch with her previous owner. I had been workshopping names for a while but I figure she prefers that one, so she’s still Shirley.
I don’t have a pet name, only an human name…
I wonder if this makes sense to anybody else? We have a black and white, German Wirehaired Pointer. His full name is: Spruce Creek Livewire Ace of Spades. We call him Lemmy.
The breeder of my dog gave him the name Timber vom Uckersee (Timber of Ucker lake). Yes, he was considered a noble because the breeder made sure to keep the blood line clean and that the dog showed all the features that defines this particular breed.
The Ucker lake is a lake nearby. The dog was part of the 20th litter of the breeder that’s why all the offspring got names starting with a t, the 20th letter of the alphabet.We usually called our dog just Timmi (or Timmy for English speakers). He was a cocker spaniel with red fur and lived to an age of 14.5 years. A good age for that breed (13-15 years life expectancy). Unfortunately we had to put him down. He had a disease that reduced the blood’s ability to transport oxygen. By the time we discovered it all his inner organs were too damaged for him to continue living without serious disabilities.
He looked similar to this one (tap to see).
Now that I remember him I feel sad that I lost him.