I wrote a script to run with Node JS that near perfectly organises (renames and moves) torrented movies. It is designed to work in Linux, to transfer to Emby folder convention. I was working on making a TV show version, maybe merging the two, and porting it back to Windows where I first built the script, but I recently discovered the *arrs do it all. Still, if anyone wants a script that does its best (with guidance and thorough logging), I’ve stored it here.
Edit: For other reasons I built another script that can clean up an existing media directory, deleting files with any extension the user chooses (subs, images, thumbs and movies with multiple qualities leaving the best one). I’ve added it to the same repo. This script was more of a WIP, but it gets the job done and includes a help argument.
Does it work for porn? Asking for myself.
I don’t know why you’re trying to protect your perverted friend with such a transparent ruse.
If you’re using stashdb for your stuff, there’s a rename plugin it seems: https://github.com/stashapp/CommunityScripts/tree/main/plugins/RenameFile
No, I’m using Emby
You might have to try it and report back aha. It would add ‘Unknown Year’ but I don’t believe it would throw any issues