besides all that, she has an odd sense of humor but is really nice. not only this, but has been my friend since middle school, and i dated her in sixth grade. she has always been christian, but she’s practicing it more and feels like she has to “repent for her sins” and whatever.
she used to be a lesbian and then genderfluid but now she’s cishet and idk if she’ll understand what i’m going through, i also hope she didn’t decide this due to christianity.
and the gender identity and pronouns jokes feel weird to me as an enby and a lesbian 😓
will this end up actually bad for me like those superevangelicals?
“Should I still be friends with my ex?”
Forget the rest. She’s your ex, and for that reason alone, no. There’s a reason she’s your ex. Keeping her around just makes it harder for you to get over her.
All that other stuff is just complications on top of the fact that she’s your ex.
the reason was that she wanted to stay friends after losing interest in me and she liked another girl, so idk
She’s keeping you on the hook. She also doesn’t sound very stable.
What do you gain from keeping this person around? Never mind her, what’s in this for you personally?
For me, this relationship would have run its course at this point, and I’d move on altogether.
I agree. A person can wish their ex the best, but cutting contact altogether is typically the best path. Some folks are able to make it work to keep a friendship, but those seem to be outliers.
I don’t think 6th grade “dating” needs to follow the same rules as adult dating.
I don’t think that’s a great rule even as adults
That’s bullshit, I’m good friends with several ex-partners. Might not work for some people, but definitely not a general rule.