I think you’re thinking of Borders, Barnes & Noble’s long bankrupt competitor. Barnes & Noble got bought by a private buyer from the UK a few years ago when they started circling the drain. I wouldn’t recommend the Nook ereading platform, though. I’ve had three of the products since they first launched, and they are buggy. -Add to that supporting the ereading platform has never been a high priority especially when the company was struggling, also their free ebook selection went from low-quality, low-selection to nonexistant.
Long story short I’ve been considering a Kobo ereader as my next ereader over another nook product for a while now.
I think you’re thinking of Borders, Barnes & Noble’s long bankrupt competitor. Barnes & Noble got bought by a private buyer from the UK a few years ago when they started circling the drain. I wouldn’t recommend the Nook ereading platform, though. I’ve had three of the products since they first launched, and they are buggy. -Add to that supporting the ereading platform has never been a high priority especially when the company was struggling, also their free ebook selection went from low-quality, low-selection to nonexistant.
Long story short I’ve been considering a Kobo ereader as my next ereader over another nook product for a while now.