Is this a joke? Like 2k people on fedi don’t buy anything from Amazon for a week?
These "economic blackout"s are completely futile. Especially if they only target a single service, or if they target a service as big as Amazon. If this blackout is for everything Amazon operates, you can’t use Twitch, or Fire TV, or Prime Video, or Fire devices, or Kindles, or any website that is run with AWS. You think normies are going to sacrifice all of that ease of use for a week, and even if in some alternate dimension they have any self control over their consumption, they’ll just go back to using Amazon after this protest is over.
Amazon will survive for 7 days. What about people all around the world that quite frankly don’t give a fuck about uspol? What about subscriptions? Invincible 3x8 comes out in this time period, so nobody will watch it? People will stop using a third of the Internet, their streaming slop devices, their e-celeb propaganda outlets? It simply won’t happen.
These blackouts are an immature way to “break the system, man”. They completely ignore the reasons why normies go to the slop mill in the first place. The general population has 0 self control over their spending. They will consume, and consume, and consume, until they die.
If these measures are not enough; please suggest some more for us to take.
Don’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “good”.
To be frank,
Constructive criticism has not been well received by anyone lately as apparently everyone just sees it as flat criticism and with the rise of internet echo chambers for every group, criticism in any form immediately points you as an other to be ignored.
People of all walks only want to hear what is convenient and self confirming.And also, people are not ubermensch and do not just have a working plan that perfectly replaces this one the same way this one is ineffective. It will take conversation and community to figure out what works. No one can plan or act alone.
What got me is the upcoming one week Nestle and one week General Mills boycotts… Do the people who came up with these boycotts not realize that the stores that carry those products, already paid for those products? And the rebuttal to any skepticism is that it’ll at least get people used to not buying these products or shopping at these places. Do people really need to take baby steps? Is that how much we, as a society, are addicted to buying things? Pat yourself on the back America! Fascism may be quickly on the rise, but good work, you didn’t buy Cheerios for a whole week!
Wellp, at least we can torrent the new Invincible season
Shit’s great
I’ve been able to successfully degoogle, and recently came to terms that I need to deamazon too. It’s going to take quite a while. I’m a prime subscriber and use AWS.
I’m looking into Barnes and Nobel for future book purchases. I recently did a larger purchase online directly from the vendor instead of purchasing through Amazon. I plan to do more of that.
What’s been frustrating has been the small things. I needed a pill splitter, so I stopped at Walmart on the way home from work, dealt with some crowd and retraced my steps around the pharmacy a few times before I found it, then had to deal with self checkout. This would have been quicker and wasted less of my time to use Amazon. That’s going to be the hardest kind of benefit to give up.
AWS I’ll probably start migrating this summer. I’m planning to switch to Backblaze for cloud storage. I still need to look into an alternative registrar, and ideally very cheap static web hosting. I also need to find providers that have good ansible support since I use that for all my local and remote configuration.
It took years for me to get off Google. I worry it’s going to take even longer to give up Amazon, but yeah it’s time.
Amazon bought Barnes&Noble ages ago; buying from them at all is still benefiting Amazon — but there are lots of great alternatives online for books (physical and ebook formats), as well as visiting your local used book stores. I use Amazon for keyword searches basically just so I can maximize the number of results I get elsewhere. Getting off of major sites like Amazon, Walmart, Target, etc. also puts you back in touch with the actual internet rather than the retail echo chamber we’re accustomed to.
I get way better deals that way as well, and pay vendors directly rather than through a middleman like Amazon.
I appreciate your feedback. Moving more local is definitely a goal. I buy a lot of specialized books which I can’t find at small bookshops so I tend to gravitate to larger companies.
All that being said, I’m going to downvote your comment because I can find no credible sources that supports your claim that Amazon owns Barnes & Nobel. I’d be happy to change my mind if you provide sources, but I dislike misinformation.
“Amazon bought Barnes&Noble ages ago;”
I think you’re thinking of Borders, Barnes & Noble’s long bankrupt competitor. Barnes & Noble got bought by a private buyer from the UK a few years ago when they started circling the drain. I wouldn’t recommend the Nook ereading platform, though. I’ve had three of the products since they first launched, and they are buggy. -Add to that supporting the ereading platform has never been a high priority especially when the company was struggling, also their free ebook selection went from low-quality, low-selection to nonexistant.
Long story short I’ve been considering a Kobo ereader as my next ereader over another nook product for a while now.
I’m boycotting Amazon and other stores from now on. If these billionaires and Russian assets want a war, they’ll feel it where it hurts the most—their wallets!
Boycotts are useless.
The right killed dei solely using boycotts
No. DEI was always performative. Companies realized that they no longer had to pretend to care so they stopped doing performative “DEI training” because it was no longer beneficial to their bottom line.
It had nothing to do with people shooting cans of Bud Light. It had everything to do with the entire country shifting further with right wing reactionary beliefs.
Unorganized boycotts with no demands and no pressure from labor unions are useless. Boycotts in support of labor are absolutely class solidarity.
This one is useless. As most “reddit” boycotts are.
Late to the party but my subscription is officially cancelled in a couple days.
It’s* time to disrupt
That fuck… I was so confused with the title for a second.
Never started buying from amazon. The stories on Reddit where enough to turn way. I admit having searched the site now and then, but you get the same prices elsewhere, Especially in Europe there is no need for them.
Amazon is just so convenient, it’s hard to say no. If I need new socks, I can press one button and somebody brings it to my front door in a couple hours at a cheap price. Alternative? Order them somewhere else online and get them in a week or drive 20 minutes, deal with parking + crowds to get them a couple dollars more expensive.
It’s a crap situation but I understand how Amazon got so big.
TFW when I rarely use Amazon anyway.
I used to use amazon mainly if i looked for some item that i didn’t even nnow existed, because their search function used to be pretty good. Or to get ratings on a product or whatever. I rarely ever bought something. Now all that is useless. No matter what you search, they show the sposored shit, and the ratings are stupid, most things are temu dropshippers.
As an euro I also use it rarely but it just has unbeatable price and availability for products sometimes. The only alternative is aliexpress, which isn’t a real alternative since China can go get fucked too.
Can someone just make an iCal that I can subscribe to? Can’t keep all these boycotts straight
How about an anti-Honey plug in that reminds you not to order when you’re trying to check out.
Great Idea.
Perhaps call it something like:
BeeOff/BuzzOff: A play on “bee/buzz” similar to Honey, but with a focus on avoiding (off) certain products.
BoycottBee: Directly stating its purpose as a boycott tool.
Avoidify: Emphasizes the idea of avoiding certain products or brands.
BlanketBan: Suggests a comprehensive avoidance or ban.
NectarNone: Opposite of honey nectar, focusing on avoiding products.
ProtestPal: A friendly companion for those who want to make a statement by boycotting certain products.
SentryShop: Acts as a guardian or sentry while shopping, warning against certain products.
Ethico: Emphasizes ethical consumption by avoiding certain brands or products.
NoGo: Simple and direct, signaling products to avoid.
BlockBuy: Directly blocks purchases of unwanted products.
SanctionShop: Implies a personal sanction or restriction on certain products.
ProtestPulse: A tool that keeps the pulse of your protest or boycott efforts.
Avoida: A playful name emphasizing avoidance.
EDIT: I wonder, alongside a potential plug-in, what if someone created a federated platform or website that tracked the protests, boycotts, etc.?
It would allow Fediverse users to be able to follow the protests/boycotts.
You had me at BuzzOff!
You’re hired!
Convincing your employer to reduce AWS costs, or better yet, go with a different cloud provider would likely have more financial impact than boycotting the portion of the company that represents a smaller percentage of their operating profit.
With a few exceptions, I haven’t bought from Amazon in more than a decade. I never buy from them unless I absolutely can’t find the thing I need anywhere else.
Yes. Immediately after the fiscal quarter ends, giving them plenty of time to make up for it when everyone who put it off for a week just buys it the next week. Because that’s when it’ll hurt, not right before they have to report numbers.
Still more praxis than this comment.
At least it’s something.
Wait until the last 2 weeks of the fiscal quarter instead of mid-cycle and the rebound bump won’t show up on their quarterly earnings, which will fuck their stock value, which is the only thing that matters to them.
I personally haven’t bought anything from Amazon for years now (or really anywhere online, I think maybe 8 things in the past year?), issue is even within the last week I’ve spent hundreds if not thousands on AWS through work… Sure it’s not me paying, but it’s also pretty hard for me to not to given they have such a monopoly
I deleted all my amazon accounts a few weeks ago, and have no plans to go back. When I order things now, I’ll just order through the vendor instead of Amazon, I can live with it taking longer or costing a bit more.