I’m not saying he hasn’t done unbelievably stupid things. Being a dictator and sinking our economy isn’t going to work out well for any of us. What I think he is extremely smart about is being a cult leader, being persistent about getting what he wants, and getting a lot of people to do his dirty work. I think that’s his super power, convincing billionaires, assholes smart and dumb, and the common folk to believe that they’re different and he’s got their back. All lies, of course.
Trump is “extremely” many things, smart is not one of them. I refuse to believe that that bloated corpse of a human is making his own decisions about anything any time in last 10 years.
I’m a native New Yorker. After hearing about Trump for years I happened to be close to the Tower, so I decided to see for myself. The outside is plain black glass. The inside is all gold with a big waterfall. I thought it looked like a giant toilet, but the place was pretty full.
He’s stupid and he gives stupid people the freedom to be their worst selves.
All I have to say is Rudy Giuliani or Elon Musk for you to see that these people aren’t brainwashed. They believe that he has/had their back for some reason. Elon is in the before phase of Rudy Giuliani. I wonder what his Four Seasons Landscaping moment is going to be.
I’m not saying he hasn’t done unbelievably stupid things. Being a dictator and sinking our economy isn’t going to work out well for any of us. What I think he is extremely smart about is being a cult leader, being persistent about getting what he wants, and getting a lot of people to do his dirty work. I think that’s his super power, convincing billionaires, assholes smart and dumb, and the common folk to believe that they’re different and he’s got their back. All lies, of course.
Trump is “extremely” many things, smart is not one of them. I refuse to believe that that bloated corpse of a human is making his own decisions about anything any time in last 10 years.
Let me put it this way.
I’m a native New Yorker. After hearing about Trump for years I happened to be close to the Tower, so I decided to see for myself. The outside is plain black glass. The inside is all gold with a big waterfall. I thought it looked like a giant toilet, but the place was pretty full.
He’s stupid and he gives stupid people the freedom to be their worst selves.
You really don’t have to be smart to lead a bunch of sheep who have been brainwashed for generations.
All I have to say is Rudy Giuliani or Elon Musk for you to see that these people aren’t brainwashed. They believe that he has/had their back for some reason. Elon is in the before phase of Rudy Giuliani. I wonder what his Four Seasons Landscaping moment is going to be.