• CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
      14 hours ago

      I remember on some local paper’s (Florida) comment section that, back when gay marriage was still being “debated” like it was something that would destroy America if it happened (just like weed legalization), one particular character kept popping up and telling everyone gay marriage was just about extremely pleasurable sexual gratification. And, I mean, really hammered on that over and over.

      I kept telling him he was giving himself away, and, anyway, if it’s just about that, why get married? And even if it was only about the sex, who cares? Is pleasure illegal? Dude never had any answers. I swear, his posts sounded like he’d wake up in a cold sweat dreaming about what Teh Gheyz were up to in their bedrooms with all that hot, steamy gratification that was soooo pleasurable, LOL.

      There was another poster that was a lot like this on Wonkette and they nicknamed him TLM for “turgid love muscle” apparently for some of his favorite descriptions of Teh Ghey Sex.

      Talk about telling on yourself, haha.