What is your line in the sand?
Edit: thank you all for your responses. I think it’s important as an American we take your view points seriously. I think of a North Korean living inside of North Korea. They don’t really know how bad it is because that is all hidden from them and they’ve never had anything else. As things get worse for Americans it’s important to have your voices because we will become more and more isolated.
Even the guy who said, “lol.” Some people need that sort of sobering reaction.
Not at all, you are just an autocracy now but don’t fully realise it, and as the other commentator had said, not even really a good democracy in the loosest of terms before this entire mess going on ATM!
Line in the sand? Going after political opponents. Censoring information. Dismantling media. Abandoning rule of law. Business and government mixing too much.
USA is speed running these.
Not for a long time. The Economist Democracy Index demoted the US to a “flawed democracy” since 2016, where it has been ever since.
Democracy index, 2024 - https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/democracy-index-eiu
An American, but it never was a democracy. It’s always been a republic with a few democratic mechanisms.
Which is good, IMO, or we would’ve gotten here much sooner. Populism is where democracies go to die, and the mechanisms of a representative republic help keep your average idiots from collectively voting us there.
For the time being, sure. I dint think democracy is a binary. Democracy doesn’t imply a fair system or universal suffrage or a system where power is split.
Like for example the Vatican is a absolute monarchy and also a democracy.
Is demos how you say money in Greek?
I know this isn’t Greek, but I immediately thought of pesos and I bet you some people are gonna be hella mad if you call the US a pesocracy
Elective dictatorship, there is no accountability. Is there even a mechanism for the public to recall the president? Or is that it for the next 4 years?
There is not. He would have to be impeached by the senate, and then convicted by the majority of the Senate. Since the majority are currently his sycophants, it’s effectively not an option.
I consider it a lesser democracy / something that barely qualifies for a few years now.
Shit I live inside the US and I barely consider it a democracy.
I am inside and I want to get out
Same. Is there a sign up sheet, or…?
I never considered it a democracy. It’s one-party system with two parties, what can be democratic about it? Smoke and mirrors.
It was never a democracy.
Canadian here.
Before Trump? Ehhh, not really. I’ve always viewed the US as a place where you vote for which oligarch-backed monarch you’d want to put in absolute power for 4 years. Every 4/8 years the new incoming overlord just rips up whatever the previous one did and nothing of substance is actually achieved.
After Trump 2.0? No. There isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that Trump is going to surrender all that power he and the GOP have accumulated. And why would he? He doesn’t have to. He literally controls every branch of government that he can and ignores those that he doesn’t. If the US ever has another election it will purely be for show, like China’s elections. The mask is now fully off and the charade of US democracy is over as those who actually wield the power now do so openly on their sleeves.
China’s democracy is among party members.
Oh I love parties! I’ll bring the glowsticks!
Absolutely not. A country where two parties are the only two viable electoral options, is absolutely not a democracy. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop my membership for the PSL.
What does PSL stand for?
Plus Sized Lobsters
.ml dipshits who spam “nato aggression” memes
Party for Socialism and Liberation.
Pink Sexy Lizards
Pacific South Lest
Pumpkin Spice Latte