White House officials said the installation was an effort to increase internet availability at the complex. They said that some areas of the property could not get cell service and that the existing Wi-Fi infrastructure was overtaxed.
In any healthy democracy, this would have been seen as a scandal exposing signs of corruption and would have likely resulted in the dissolution of the government and early election.
But the US is not a healthy democracy.
Not to worry, “some cited security concerns.” We’re all set
Besides the security concerns, I want to know what they’re using it for, and how much bullshit they’re hiding by avoiding the official network.
It’s certainly not a speed and convenience thing.
Yes. That’s the joke. I’m unsure how the burning terminator dying with a thumbs up wasn’t clear enough that there is obviously more to this than just “security concerns”
Given it’s unrepresentative voting system I think how much is enough to be a democracy. T hot take for people that see democracy. Two parties to choose from is just one more than a clear dictatorship. If neither actually represents you then yeah it’s not healthy .
Agreed, except for one point. It’s an oligarchy. Our “dictator” was just selling cars on the White House lawn. Capitalism won to get to it’s late stages, happy to let racist hatred and russian influence fester for continued capital self-interest
The corruption is clear, obvious, and blatant. Everyone knows about it, but there’s not a whole lot they can do. A good chunk of our citizens picked it on purpose.
There is actually so much we and the courts/Congress can do. We’re just choosing not to do it, unfortunately.
Why don’t you call the police? Serious question, not sure how it works in the US, but there should be some institution where you can report someone on suspicion of committing a crime. They would then need to investigate.
They said that some areas of the property could not get cell service and that the existing Wi-Fi infrastructure was overtaxed.
Starlink has absolutely nothing to do with either of those things…
Amazing how the but her emails crowd is fine with all the private servers and now private internet access from Trump and co
I worked it some shitty old bunkers that no one cared about and they had wifi and cell service in every room. But the white house doesn’t That’s fucking hysterical
this was nothing that some Ethernet and some APs couldn’t fix. and as for the cellular issues, you’re literally the White House. Throw up a femtocell, you already have fiber for backhaul.
this is such fucking nonsense. Starlink is fixing precisely none of this.
I mean I think it’s safe to say these issues never existed in the first place. Nothing but more fables from the liar in Chief.
agree 100%, I just find what limited joy I can in pointing out that this is likely bullshit and at best a con. I also get a kick out of shitting on Musk for pretending to know what he’s talking about when it comes to tech :)
President Musk making it feel more like home.
Add 13 children of ambiguous parentage he can ignore, and snug as a bug!Ah yes, because what the white house needs is an inferior ISP to plug the gaps that could easily be filled by proper wireless access point configuration and distribution.
This is definitely not going to come back to haunt us later.
depending on how badly Starlink fucks up the deployment, this could actually make the performance worse especially if airtime and spectrum are limited which I would assume would be the case. Elon throwing APs every which way isn’t likely to make that any better.
this is like getting a flat tire on your handcart and buying a G Wagon with no wheels to fix it.
The existing Wi-Fi infrastructure was “overtaxed” so they just threw up satellite instead of , I don’t know, improving the Wi-Fi infrastructure? There’s perfectly fine WiFi at sprawling work and college campuses, and stadiums that seat tens of thousands of people. What a joke.
Network infrastructure is a science and we don’t need no damn science in this country!
Starlink should be abolished.
With how spacex and Tesla are going I wouldn’t be surprised if it abolishes itself.
Shoulda put a Trojan on that trojan.
I am all for making the White House less secure at this point.
Enjoy the high latency.
Who’s hand is on the power switch?
So they routed all traffic in the WH through his sattelites, yay. Do I understand correctly that being an internet provider (and as WH can be singled out) means he can now know what resources everyone there access and force many proxy\VPN options shut? So he can get at least basic understanding if someone access matrix servers or whatever to leak data critical of DOGE, to block things he doesn’t like (e.g. live streaming broadcast for select journalists) or just to get one more reason to fire everyone?
sure “donated” until the next president, whenever that happens…
It would be a shame if some foreign actor could monitor Starlink internal networks.
Are you a white house staffer carrying a heavy stack of top secret documents? Do you desperately need both hands to vape or to text roger stone a progress report? Try DOCDASH!
Just request a docdasher in app and a helpful person like Yvegeny, Dmitri or Boris will show up to the white house on a motorcycle, take your documents from you, not copy and transmit them, and just keep them very safe, like tippy top safe.