“The fundamental weakness is empathy,” Musk recently told radio podcast host Joe Rogan. “There is a bug, which is the empathy response.”
As Musk has established himself as at least the second most powerful person in an administration seeking a wholesale remaking of institutions, rules and norms, what he said matters, because it encapsulates a political plan. What the Project 2025 report set out in over 900 turgid pages, Musk’s remark captures in a simple pithy mantra for the social media age.
Like… Durh he believes this. He lived this and won pretty handily by never giving a shit about anyone. Now he’s the richest and most powerful person alive, so obviously he’s onto something! All this money can’t be wrong!
Empathy as a weakness is exactly what I’d expect to hear from a sociopath. If everybody thought this way, we’d have no civilized society.
Greed is a weakness. Empathy is a strength.
Empathy is Weakness. In almost all movies they tell about that. Well not the good guys. Hell Emperor Palpatine.
Just linked this in the comment I left as well. Perfect timing on this comic!
Wow such virtue signaling /s
Aw, did me signaling a virtue hurt you? Are you so weak you can’t even be confronted with common virtues? So sad.
Edit: /s
The /s means sarcasm
Blerg. Fine.
I think, even a psychopath understand the usefulness of empathy at the conceptual level, both to the individual and society as a whole. Elon is just fucking stupid, insanely out of touch, drugged out of his gourd.
Calling empathy a “bug” in human psychology is just so, so strange.
Billions of years of evolution leading to this. Tons of research with the same result. Nope, says narcissistic sociopath, you’re all wrong and I’m right.
“4 billion years between our ears, still hatred brings us many tears”
Huh…an admitted psychopath
I get saying it’s wrong what he said (you would be right) but imo it’s kinda missing the point. The most important thing to see imo is it’s extremely pathetic. This is the same mf faking Path of Exile and diablo accounts so he can seem cool (he kept saying he was a top player so he would get kudos from the gaming community).
This man is probably the most thin skinned idiot I’ve ever seen. So it must be extremely convenient for him to see himself as the bad guy with no empathy whose cold rational calculation leads to emotionless decisions or whatever huge cope he tells himself every day. The reality is he’s got more money than God and is running the current US administration and yet is still so mentally weak he is posting on Twitter hundreds of times per day about how he’s being persecuted and actually arguing in the comment sections
Billionaires live in a weird bubble. Money and power twist the mind and destroy the soul.
Never idolize a billionaire, they’re the closest thing to evil incarnate that walks the Earth. Remember, the Devil will present itself as friendly, alluring, and attractive. So, at least we know they aren’t the Devil, but as close as reality can get, maybe.
That… Makes absolutely no sense.
Disgusting pos
I surely haven’t felt any empathy for him as I’ve watched Tesla’s stock free fall…
If empathy is the weakness to my species, I’m glad we’re committing suicide by capitalist made climate change.
Without empathy, we have no redeeming characteristics and nothing of value will be lost.
Psychopaths can still be valuable members of society as surgeons who aren’t freaked out by cutting into people. Their lives are worth something.
We’ve just got an economic system that puts them exclusively in charge.