Eggs are a staple food and an ingredient in an absolute fuck ton of things. They’re also very nutrient-dense and a major source of protein for vegetarians and people who can’t eat meat. Sure, you can just not buy eggs but that’s not realistic for everyone and it doesn’t stop the price of everything that includes eggs as an ingredient from going up.
Not my point. Didn’t say eggs were bad. I implied that living without eggs for a while is not going to kill anyone, if anything, may help them reduce cholesterol and try other more sustainable sources of protein like soy.
Its absolutely not an “American thing” Just about every asian country eats more eggs than Americans per capita. It’s in like half or more of their staple dishes.
And Mexicans somehow eat even more eggs than Asians. (Surprising Google discovery)
The shelves aren’t even empty. There are thousands of eggs in my local grocery stores. Every single store near me has eggs that are nearing expiration, which means people aren’t buying them. People are seeing the asinine prices, and opting to eat less eggs.
But the issue is that producers have realized they can blame the specter of inflation or supply chain issues to charge whatever the hell the want. Let’s say they charge $2 per carton, and can reliably sell five cartons at that price. Or they can charge $6 per carton, and reliably sell two cartons. With the latter example they make more money and pay less in shipping since they only had to ship 2/5 the stock. So why wouldn’t they just find an excuse to sell them at $6 per carton? That’s just economics 101.
I don’t get it why there is an egg crisis. If they are too expensive, don’t eat eggs. Are eggs like insulin for some people?
Eggs used to be one of the cheaper food items you could buy here so a lot of poorer people relied on them
Eggs are a staple food and an ingredient in an absolute fuck ton of things. They’re also very nutrient-dense and a major source of protein for vegetarians and people who can’t eat meat. Sure, you can just not buy eggs but that’s not realistic for everyone and it doesn’t stop the price of everything that includes eggs as an ingredient from going up.
Not my point. Didn’t say eggs were bad. I implied that living without eggs for a while is not going to kill anyone, if anything, may help them reduce cholesterol and try other more sustainable sources of protein like soy.
Such an american thing tho, i barely ever use eggs and i kinda like them, mostly just for cake thingies.
Its absolutely not an “American thing” Just about every asian country eats more eggs than Americans per capita. It’s in like half or more of their staple dishes.
And Mexicans somehow eat even more eggs than Asians. (Surprising Google discovery)
The shelves aren’t even empty. There are thousands of eggs in my local grocery stores. Every single store near me has eggs that are nearing expiration, which means people aren’t buying them. People are seeing the asinine prices, and opting to eat less eggs.
But the issue is that producers have realized they can blame the specter of inflation or supply chain issues to charge whatever the hell the want. Let’s say they charge $2 per carton, and can reliably sell five cartons at that price. Or they can charge $6 per carton, and reliably sell two cartons. With the latter example they make more money and pay less in shipping since they only had to ship 2/5 the stock. So why wouldn’t they just find an excuse to sell them at $6 per carton? That’s just economics 101.
It’s as if a free market with no government oversight can be abused?
No, it’s the consumers who are wrong!