We need a new party and if that is impossible collapse or revolution and a new constitution, as this one is too far captured. The DNC at this point exists to take the oligarch bribes and stoke social issue division while defending the economy that bribes them and their partners accross the aisle from us. It cannot be reformed, because it’s primary function is bribe courting.
Harris was my last vote for an economic right wing candidate. I have very little confidence there will be another honest election, so why would I continue to vote for the fascist enablers as I have for 24 years? They march hand in hand with Republicans in for profit prisons, massive homeless populations that’s more expensive to maintain than simply housing the homeless without condition, mass murder for corporate private profit that make up entire economic sectors, etc.
And no, I sorry, I’m for respecting everyone’s rights and calling everyone what they want to be called out of basic respect, but millions of our neighbors dying in the streets for the crime of producing insufficient value for our oligarchs dwarfs a lot of social wedges neoliberals fight for but are ultimately not about meeting the basic needs people need. They make those their big issues because they don’t cost the capital markets a cent.
From a humanist perspective, it’s more important for a homeless person not to die of exposure, starvation, disease, and police brutality in our name than telling someone with a full belly and a roof who’s LGBTQ that we affirm who they are. Both are important, but even our “left” has been paying no attention to the former and all to the latter, because the former would cost their wealthy bribers money and talk and ribbons are cheap. Kids need lunch. Hungry anyone needs food. Priorities.
And no, we can’t do both, because we’ve proven we can’t do shit. Want less abortions? Riot for a living wage that can support a family and if you win there will be fewer abortions with no bans required. It’s the economy stupid, that thing we haven’t gotten a vote on in 46 years.
I’ll vote for a candidate promising to repurpose big corpo’s record profits to rebuild society, no less.
What they also need is a thorough reform of the Democratic Party to avoid mistakes like Schumer.
If the dems won’t wake up from their current stupor and actually start doing something, they’ll be a lost case.
If the Democrats can reform into something else other than neoliberal, I’d be willing to give them a second look.
We need a new party and if that is impossible collapse or revolution and a new constitution, as this one is too far captured. The DNC at this point exists to take the oligarch bribes and stoke social issue division while defending the economy that bribes them and their partners accross the aisle from us. It cannot be reformed, because it’s primary function is bribe courting.
Harris was my last vote for an economic right wing candidate. I have very little confidence there will be another honest election, so why would I continue to vote for the fascist enablers as I have for 24 years? They march hand in hand with Republicans in for profit prisons, massive homeless populations that’s more expensive to maintain than simply housing the homeless without condition, mass murder for corporate private profit that make up entire economic sectors, etc.
And no, I sorry, I’m for respecting everyone’s rights and calling everyone what they want to be called out of basic respect, but millions of our neighbors dying in the streets for the crime of producing insufficient value for our oligarchs dwarfs a lot of social wedges neoliberals fight for but are ultimately not about meeting the basic needs people need. They make those their big issues because they don’t cost the capital markets a cent.
From a humanist perspective, it’s more important for a homeless person not to die of exposure, starvation, disease, and police brutality in our name than telling someone with a full belly and a roof who’s LGBTQ that we affirm who they are. Both are important, but even our “left” has been paying no attention to the former and all to the latter, because the former would cost their wealthy bribers money and talk and ribbons are cheap. Kids need lunch. Hungry anyone needs food. Priorities.
And no, we can’t do both, because we’ve proven we can’t do shit. Want less abortions? Riot for a living wage that can support a family and if you win there will be fewer abortions with no bans required. It’s the economy stupid, that thing we haven’t gotten a vote on in 46 years.
I’ll vote for a candidate promising to repurpose big corpo’s record profits to rebuild society, no less.