She’s forever going to have the reputation of “the character who made out with the NPC”

    9 months ago

    Yeah, they said she used the side of it to make pancakes. The method she’s using is what I’m curious about.

    One of my wizard characters invented a first level spell to graduate wizard’s school. She was allowed to keep it, but the headmaster erased the memories of the other two professors, and made my character swear to never cast the spell in front of anyone, ever again. Apparently it could have reignited the Wizard/Cleric War, and nobody wanted that.

    The spell in question:

    Cast Vegetables

    Lvl 1 Wiz

    School: Abjuration

    Components: V,S,M

    Casting Time: 1 turn

    Cast Vegetables is a focused application of wild magic using Burning Hands as the formative spell, and at least one fruit, nut, berry, or vegetable as the material component, though more will give more variety of food.

    The spell uses the components to create random fruits, nuts, berries, and vegetables that equal 1 days rations for an adult human per level of caster, up to 5. The abjured vegetables are only useful as food, they cannot be used either as material components, or as seeds.

    No one in the party ever questioned how she was able to go “forage” massive amounts of vegetables in way too short of a time. She was busy distracting them with much flashier spells.

      9 months ago

      Rules nerd nitpickery: If this is for D&D, scaling spells to caster level is a Third Edition mechanic and was done away with for 5e due to balance issues with the new system. Also that’s clearly a conjuration spell; abjuration is protective or purification type magic.

      Not that this really matters for a “summon giant salad” spell but OCD demands and such.

        9 months ago

        It was for 3rd, and may have been evocation. I just remember that the DM and I had an entire discussion about them specifically not being conjured. Hence them not being recursive material components or seeds.