• SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
      9 months ago


      Promoting conspiracy theories involving Jews being puppet masters that control your government is textbook Goebbels kind of shit.

      • TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        They weren’t claiming that jews are puppet master overlords that control our governments

        They were claiming that Israel has a strong political lobby that can do a lot of political damage to politicians that don’t align themselves with Israel.

        They do this by doing exactly what you’re doing. Claiming or implying that anybody against Israel or the pro-Israel lobby is an antisemite.

        I’ll remind you that “jewish people” and “Israel” are not the same thing.

        • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
          9 months ago

          I’ll remind you that “jewish people” and “Israel” are not the same thing.

          You need to tell that to the people that are shootiing at synogogues, trying to burn down jewish businesses. There is a Pro-Palestinian movement in my city that are protesting a Jewish community instead of protesting the Israeli consulate that’s in this city. Maybe tell them they should be protesting the consulate not the jewish communtiy because they don’t seem as enlightened as you are to understand the distinction between Israel and Jews in other countries.

          But you aren’t going to do that, are you? Could upset your friends in your movement if you criticize their actions.

          The Palestinian movement has proven the need for a group to lobby for the well being of Jews in the US. If you won’t speak out against the antisemitic activity that’s occurring in the Palestinian movement because you’re too busy spreading conspiracy theories on the internet, then yeah there needs to be some group that’s able to talk about these issues to those in power that are able to protect communities that are in danger from your allies in your movement.

          • TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            I never said antisemitism doesn’t exist. Neither did the person above. Nor did anybody else.

            You’re bringing that up now as a distraction. Criticising the actions of the regime in Israel, a regime that has openly stated they want to see the eradication of all Palestinians, is not antisemitism.

            “My” friends in “my movement”? What are you talking about? I’m not involved in a movement against Jewish people.

            If you’re referring to me being against the genocide being carried out by Israel, then yes, I’m against that.

            But it’s not really a “movement”, it’s the default. I guess with that line of thinking I’m a part of all kinds of “movements” - the “anti-paedophilia movement”, the “I don’t like kale movement”, the “people who think alligators are scary movement”, the “people who dislike chores movement”, etc.

            • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
              9 months ago

              You’re defending the propagation of antisemitic conspiracy theories.

              Ah and here you are making false equivalencies between what Hamas did (Genocide) and what Israel is doing (War one which was started by Hamas). You’re trying to “both sides” actual genocide to give cover for what Hamas did.

              A big part of this whole conflict is the propaganda campaign. When propaganda works on you don’t actually know it’s working on you. Genocide of Jews, look the other way, those Hamas guys had their reasons, right? Look at this photo from a war zone, now that’s genocide! Repeat it to everyone you see, just like all right thinking people should. Hamas being run by billionaires in Qatar? Look the other way. It’s a rag tag group of freedom fighters. Repeat it until you believe it. Talk more about how Jews are controlling the government. The Hamas leadership is hiding underground leaving the Palestinian population at the mercy of an army that according to the Hamas leadership is committing genocide? Demand a ceasefire because as soon as the IDF gets a little too close to those Hamas tunnels. Wouldn’t want those Hamas guys come to any harm, amirite? Ceasefire now! Hamas forever!

              Of course you’re going to say you don’t support Hamas… BUT … There’s always a “but” isn’t there? But anything you say before the but doesn’t matter.

              You’re spreading propaganda even if you don’t know it. Doesn’t feel like propaganda when you believe it. All fascist movements have their useful idiots. Only an idiot thinks they’re a peaceful person while repeating the words of a violent movement.

              • TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
                9 months ago

                I’m not spreading any conspiracy theories, and calling out Israel for committing genocide is not antisemitism.

                You are brainwashed. You are sympathetic of literal Nazi behaviour.

                You claim others are falling for propaganda and yet here you are saying that Israel’s genocide isn’t genocide. I guess you think Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is merely a “special military operation”, too?

                • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
                  9 months ago

                  Wow I bow to you’re impressive use of tautological fallacy.

                  I think Russia started a war to send young people to die to restore some old map that never existed in their lifetimes. Just like Hamas is doing. I think Hamas is using the same Iranian made weaponry that Russia is currently using. You’re so obsessed with bullshit internet conspiracies, you aren’t even seeing the obvious.

                  You are brainwashed. You are sympathetic of literal Nazi behaviour.

                  The Nazis were the antisemitic guys in WWII. Maybe crack open a history book an read things other than what the internet is pushing at you. You may see some parallels. The Nazis talked a lot like Hamas talks now. Look at the photos of German cities at the end of WWII. Were the people dropping the bombs on those cities the ones committing genocide? Or were the people that were living in those bombed out buildings committing genocide? If you’re only looking at images and repeating what you’re told to say, you might say the allies committed genocide because look at the destruction of those cities! Look at the number of civilian casualties! If you said that Goebbels would be proud.

                  OR maybe this is just something that happens in places that put a genocidal regime in power.

                  Remember the strongmen of Hamas are right now hiding underground leaving the population of Gaza at the mercy of an army they claim to be committing genocide. Why would these brave fighters that say that becoming a martyr is the thing they want the most be behaving in this way? If Hamas came to the surface for a final glorious battle with the IDF it would all be over wouldn’t it? So why don’t they do that, if as they claim, Israel is committing genocide?

                  Not even Hamas really thinks Israel is committing genocide. So why do you?

                  Or maybe Hamas does think Israel is committing genocide and they’re choosing to hide underground and just let it happen. Then why do the Palestinian people not turn against them?

                  Propaganda tends to fall apart when you think about it for five minutes.

                  • reptar@lemmy.world
                    9 months ago

                    You’re just throwing shit at the wall man. You slap together strawmen in the form of a rhetorical question assigning a obviously weak position to the other commenter, over and over again. Why?

                    They weren’t defending the targeting of civilians in WWII.

                    They weren’t arguing that Hamas is not antisemitic.

                    They weren’t claiming Hamas is brave or pure in spirit.

                    They don’t claim Hamas has justification.

                    They don’t justify acts of destruction and terrorizing Jewish communities.

                    On and on and on. Do you always operate this way?