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Joined 7 days ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2024


  • Sorry, anyone still on Xitter is a Nazi and I can’t be fucked to go through Nazi garbage to determine what is real and what is Nazi propaganda.

    Of course Isntreal is blocking aid to Gaza, they’ve been doing that since they bombed the border crossing at the very start of the genocide.

    What I doubt is that this is somehow against gesticulates vaguely U.S. law, whatever the fuck that is even supposed to mean in this context. Or that the US is somehow obligated to stop munitions into Isntreal. Or that a soveirgn nation is somehow beholden to gesticulates vaguely U.S. law. Or that this could even be done without handing the election to Donnie on a silver platter. I can hear it now, “SEEEEEEE THEY HATE THE JOOOOOOOOS! I WILL CRUSH PALESTINE LIKE THE GOOD CHRISTIAN I AM”.

    Sorry I don’t believe every bullshit thing I see on the internet.

    Also, lmao at

    1. Smug Liberalism
    2. ???
    3. Genocide

    The US needs to withdraw all support for Isntreal and hold war crime hearings for Netanyahoo, but not because some asshole on Xitter said so.

  • I would do

    class MyClass:
        def __init__(self, value):
            self._whatever = value
        def whatever(self):
            return self._whatever

    Personally, I would type hint all of that but I’m just showing how you can do it without types. Your linter should be smart enough to say “hey dumbass did you mean this other thing”? Also since we didn’t create a setter you can’t arbitrarily overwrite the value of whatever so thats neat.

    And I’ll just say before I post that I’m on mobile and I’m sorry if the formatting is fucked. I’m not going to fix it.

  • The anti-trust cases against google are why this is being brought up again. Google isnt propping up Mozilla out of altruism or a desire to, I dunno, advertise; they’re doing it so that in court they can point at Mozilla and say, “look! Competitors!”. Its the exact same reason Microsoft bailed out Apple in the 00s. Because without Mozilla, Google is unquestionably a monopoly.

    Now, they are anyway. But by keeping Mozilla alive they can pretend in court that they have competitors and that they aren’t engaging in monopolistic practices, which they absolutely are.

    Honestly your comment is kind of why they pay the money. “Google doesn’t have a seat at Mozilla, what’s the big deal?”. The big deal is that Google smothers competition and is pretending in court that they aren’t.