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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Yeah, it’s quite interesting, but it measures encounters without defining them, and it’s very hard to get anything specifically useful for Texas.

    The data does more to show that Texas are being whiny about it, than what their criterion for invasion is. I fully expect a ComiCon or similar to drive as much tourists as the whole illegal immigration thing, and that Texans travel in similar sized crowds for any holiday. But there aren’t any clear data on either, pointing to dangerous ineptitude, and emotionally motivated (or “hysterical” as it was called in the olden days) governance.

  • I can’t find direct data on how many illegal immigrations are happening in Texas every year, but the undocumented population is estimated to be about 1,5 million, and stable. [source]

    Between 2022 and 2023, the legal migrant population increased by 10k, and eligible migrants decreased by 50k. If we assume that the whole difference is only due to illegal immigrants naturalizing, that would mean that the Texas yearly influx of immigrants is 60k. [source]

    That would mean that the “invasion” requiring armed self defence/martial law is for 60k civilians.

    About 10 million Texans yearly travel over 50 miles, [source], does that mean Texas is invading most of the US annually?

    (also, it’s ridiculous that you don’t have clear data and statistics on this exact question. Sometimes I love living in the EU)

  • I don’t know anything about the XR movement, but most movements need different types of activism.

    Protests/demonstrations are important, not the least for visibility and statement, but they rarely lead to change on their own. Most movements need outreach, community, organisation, communication and planned action as well, which can take many forms.

    As each of these parts require their own skill and effort, it might be that any local chapter might have to specialise in one or a few, and you might be better off doing your thing beside theirs’. With some good will and communication, you could probably get support morally and possibly more, and you’ll boost each other in knowing that you’re all fighting for the same cause, although on different battlefields.

    For recruitment, it’s fantastic. A passersby at a protest can much more easily be invited to a book club or bike repair day or vegetarian cooking class, or whatever form you feel might serve the cause. Those events can in turn both be educational in something useful, and further both the movement and individual action.

    Other types of activism also have their places in a cause, find a way to contribute, and consider that you can do more with more people and allies. Getting people to lobby government is cool, putting people in government could also be useful, and the more pervasive collective action, the more change you can enact.