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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2024


  • No… just people like you. But I get how you think you are everything. Both you and MAGA forget that there are other people that exist in the world.

    Because… The world was created for you and you alone.

    And, go ahead and note how I have never once in my entire comment history accused ALL of anyone of anything. It’s because:

    I don’t make blanket statements- like you do.

    I don’t make assumptions of an entire political ideology- like you do.

    I don’t falsely accuse entire political ideologies of shit they’re not doing- like you do. (Don’t deny this- your comment history serves as proof for anyone to see)

    I don’t victimize myself by rewording the systems of others- like you do.

    Your comment history is rife with constant accusations of shit that is easily proven wrong- while what I say about you and those like YOU, and JUST YOU and those like YOU, no one else. No other group- not leftists, not everyone I disagree with, no one but YOU and the few like YOU here to disrupt-

    … is seemingly shared by many people here. So as the saying goes, if you smell shit, and everyone else in the room isn’t shit….

  • WRONG and proof that you have no clue how any of this works.

    “The dissent ignores parts of the majority opinion that expressly refute such claims. For example, the majority discussed how prosecutors could present evidence in a bribery case that a president “allegedly demanded, received, accepted, or agreed to receive or accept in return for being influenced in the performance of the act.” The prosecution can overcome the presumption of immunity with such evidence.

    Indeed, the majority stated that Trump’s alleged “private scheme with private actors” to create alternative slates of electors “cannot be neatly categorized as falling within a particular presidential function.” If that is established by the trial court, then Trump’s actions would not be protected by any sort of immunity.

    In defining official functions, the Court referenced constitutional and statutory authority. It also recognized that a president must be able to speak to the public on matters of public interest, as Trump did on Jan. 6, 2021. While some of us believe that Trump’s speech was entirely protected under the First Amendment, the justices suggested that it was also protected as a matter of immunity.

    That is a far cry from a green light for death squads. The idea that Trump could not order a slate of fake electors but could order a slew of political assassinations finds little support in the actual opinion.”

  • That’s some mighty fine propaganda you’ve got there. However, I’m going to guess that you didn’t even know where Palestine was from n a map prior to very recently. Like… within the past year.

    Nor did you know that we’ve been supplying them weapons for decades. Or that they’ve been at war since the 40’s. Or that congress will send them weapons with or without the president’s approval.

    Manufactured outrage is such an easy weapon to use against those that don’t think for themselves. Or even bother to try and understand the nuance to any given situation.

    Let me help you to understand a bit of how all this works:

    NOTHING is black and white that exists within the boundaries of reality. Especially with politics. And it’s VERY clear that you don’t understand how most of it works. So maybe try and look into what’s involved within the nuance. Start with this.

    Because that Is just scratching the surface of the shit you are either not able to understand, or refusing to even try to.

    Hope this helps.

  • So to summarize-

    You say incorrect and grossly exaggerated bullshit- and if I so much as even try and tell you that you’re wrong-

    You get to troll with impunity.


    Well, I hate to break it to you, but again- shit isn’t going to work that way. You see, there’s a thing called accountability. And you clearly have proven that you have none. So while you think you have made yourself a fun little “gotcha” moment- you’ve really only proven that you can’t hold your own.

    It’s easy to talk shit when no one asks you to back it up.