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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I recognise the waste in waiting time, but I also think we are still increasing productivity more than enough to make up for it.

    Personally I solve it by multitasking harder. Whenever there is a waiting time for a download or other stuff I simply start doing something else. I’m not going to waste my life watching loading bars for a living.

    I don’t think increasing user-friendlyness is a good solution. It’s pretty much what caused the issues to begin with. Every time Windows or the apps make something more user-friendly it always results in more buttons to click and more updates to keep up.

    I also spend an unreasonable amount of time just rearranging the windows in comparison to back when apps had keyboard-only GUIs with functions layered in different pages or tabs. I obviously don’t think that is a good solution today either, but it goes to show that the bloated operating system has a lot of the blame.

    Say you want to do something simple like renaming a file, you’ll need to open an app to show the folders and files and also 100 different functions that are of no use for the specific task, position and scroll it where it’s visible, navigate by mouse or keyboard and then do whatever you wanted. My point is that just operating the operation system is something that requires 10s of seconds over and over again every day. There’s a long way from thought to execution for the simplest task.

    The good thing is that it enables a lot of people to do so without any training at all, so maybe that makes up for it in total.

  • Aluminium is fine for acidic beverages and it is possible to buy juice in a can, but that would be a single serving. Juice and milk make sense to buy in larger sizes for multiple servings. Plastic bottles are also an option for those, but it really depends on how they’re recycled locally if that makes more sense than the cartons.

    The aluminium red solo cups ought to be recyclable just as any other aluminium product, provided that they’re returned in the first place and not mixed with other disposable garbage. Selling them as disposable seems counterproductive. A better option would be to use actual cups or glasses for picnics and bring them back home. Washing a cup in a dishwasher is much better than recycling aluminium.

    It’s not easy for consumers to make a good choice.

  • I only played the original. I didn’t really like it at first, thinking that the augmentation and mod stuff was needlessly complicated for this kind of game. Also the graphics weren’t all that great in comparison to other games using the same engine. There were a lot of attention to details in comparison to other games so I gave it a chance. The turning point came after completing the first part of the story and getting hooked. The story really carried the game and touches on some interesting topics.

    A game with a similar feel would be Omikron: The Nomad Soul. It was released the year before Deus Ex, has worse controls and graphics, but the story and setting is somewhat similar.

  • Technically they’re “downcyclable”. The materials can be separated and used for other purposes, but they’re not “cycled” back into being another tetrapak.

    It’s also a very energy intensive procedure so even if it’s possible to use some of the materials again, it’s by no means as environmentally friendly as products that can be recycled for their purpose. Take for instance glass bottles and aluminium cans, they can both be recycled into glass bottles and aluminium cans.

    Some places also reuse glass bottles by cleaning them. This also costs energy, but not as much as grinding it down and heating it to produce new glass.

    Aluminium cans are probably the best single use beverage container as of now.

    The best one is not to get one in the first place. Reduce, reuse, recycle, reclaim.

    Tetrapak is in the “reclaim”.

    Carrying a personal reusable water bottle is a good idea, because it reduces the production of singular use containers.

  • I doubt they do it just to scare employees. It’s way too expensive to use this tactic without having any real savings to show.

    It’s probably more likely that HR is keeping HR busy, because what else are they supposed to do when the company isn’t hiring? The explanation that it supposedly keeps employees in check seems like something HR would say to justify their own purpose.

    Any (reasonable) CEO would absolutely take thee easy and actual savings of firing the HR instead of paying them to use this unproven pseudo-tactic.

  • I think any aliens advanced enough to visit Earth would probably understand it.

    Whether it’s horror movies or extreme sports, it is some kind of play, which is about creating a safe or controlled environment to explore things that either isn’t really happening (horror movies) or things that haven’t been tried before (extreme sports).

    A lot of extreme sports are actually relatively safe because it’s done by individuals in highly controlled environments. Statistically it’s a lot more dangerous to participate in other sports or everyday activities where there’s a larger risk from other participants or things that are unpredictable. Things like horse riding, traffic and trampolines are more dangerous because they’re more unpredictable. The consequences might be worse if it fails thoughm, making it “extreme”.

    Travelling through space to explore inhabited planets absolutely requires the same kind of desire and process of safely testing out things that are potentially dangerous.

  • bstix@feddit.dktoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlWhy Tire Companies Love EVs
    15 days ago

    That’s pretty much the point. We could’ve had vehicles that could drive over rough ground, but they opted to make flat roads and rubber tires, both of which are causing issues environmentally and congestion.

    My whole thought experiment is : If you were to settle a brand new world, would you repeat the concept of roads and rubber tires?

  • bstix@feddit.dktoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlWhy Tire Companies Love EVs
    15 days ago

    Early EVs and horse carriers had large wheels because the roads and paths where dirt or cobblestone.

    My point is that, if they had simply said “okay, that is the condition that we need to accept, adapt to and solve” like we do today with tarmac roads taking for granted, they could have developed a vehicle to do that. It would probably have larger wheels and soft suspension, but the only reason cars are shaped as they are today is because they didn’t solve it back then.

    What happened instead was that low torque combustible engines were subsidized and rolled out on the condition that tarmac roads were also provided by the state. This was largely due to bitumen being a biproduct from petrol production. The oil industry pushed for both combustible engines and tarmac because they could supply both.

    My previous rant is basically just entertaining the idea of what we’d do today if posed with a similar challenge. Roads are absolutely taken for granted and tmwe will never be able to undo that. It might be relevant if we ever inhabit another planet, but the last I read was that road planning had already begun on the moon…

  • bstix@feddit.dktoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlWhy Tire Companies Love EVs
    16 days ago

    Yeah tires is probably one of the worst inventions ever. It spreads microplastics everywhere. The main purpose is traction.

    Tarmac is bad too. Roads as a whole is a pretty bad solution.

    It’s almost as if railways had everything right from the start.

    The following is me ranting about a rather obscure theoretical idea, so please bear with me, or quit while you can.

    Now, if we were to reinvent the entirety of transportation. Let’s imagine we rewind time to just before cars, but keep our current knowledge, are cars really the way to solve transportation? No. Just no. Imagine landing on a pristine foreign planet and the first thing we do is to pollute everything just to pave a road for transportation that also requires more pollution to use said road. It is just not right. The idea of "road’ comes from the predecessor of cars, carriages, and people sort of took that idea for granted and developed from there. I don’t even blame them.

    Let’s go back to the imaginary planet, and rethink it without the idea of “road’”. How would we solve transportation? By redesigning the wheel. In order to make a wheel that could drive over off-road, we basically need something a lot more solid and durable than rubber. And we’d need engines that could easily and swiftly apply the correct force to the drivetrain to circumvent the uneven terrain. With current technology that would be solvable.

    Guess what the first cars were? Electric and with huge solid wheels. The paved road and rubber tires are the result of a push towards combustible engines made by the oil industry. The 1800s electric car manufacturers were actually on the right path, they just didn’t have the technology or money to do it.

  • Yes, sure it can. Mashed/blended spaghetti bolognese or lasagna are available as baby food.

    Baby food products are basically just ordinary food blended and packed in smaller convenient portions. Simply look at the package to see what it contains.

    Cat and dog foods are completely different kinds of food, which is often made from animal biproducts and not suitable for human consumption.