Yeah, they won’t do anything against beta or gamma radiation. They’re potentially viable shelter from conventional munitions, but you’re only stopping alpha particles with steel or lead.
Yeah, they won’t do anything against beta or gamma radiation. They’re potentially viable shelter from conventional munitions, but you’re only stopping alpha particles with steel or lead.
We can, but that will take time. We should be attempting to mitigate climate change from all possible avenues, not just the most ideal.
I agree, as someone who drives a compact 3-door.
Realistically speaking, the sooner we can get larger polluters buying EVs, the better. All those pavement princesses need to be replaced with low or no emission vehicles as soon as possible.
You’re mistakenly employing critical thought where it otherwise would not exist.
It’s Biden’s fault until Trump fixes it, which will be whenever he claims it’s fixed.
It doesn’t just create thousands of domestic jobs and reduce the cost gap between Taiwanese and Chinese semiconductors, it also ensures a financial pipeline for Taiwan.
They’ll need all the help they can get once Trump pulls US support ships out of the Taiwan Strait, allowing Chinese control of Taiwanese ports once again.
Brendan Carr has worked very hard to obstruct the passing and quality of Net Neutrality law. I guarantee it’ll be repealed again. Get ready for the return of data caps and content throttling.
I’m sure there won’t be any financial impact from the largest global manufacturer converting their means of production to renewable energy sources.
Way to “stick it to China,” Trump.
Progress bar Dummy bar
I saw it the other way, with the question mark as the curl of his lip.
Don’t worry. They’ll end when Trump pulls out of NATO.
Of course they are. I’m not criticizing the undocumented workers, but their two-faced employers and citizen coworkers.
I’m aware that only citizens can vote. I’m referring to the farm owners and workers (who are citizens) that overwhelmingly voted for Trump are now fighting to protect them from deportation. Did they only expect their competitors’ undocumented workers would be deported?
I’m not casting. More US farm counties voted for Trump than in his previous two elections.
Trump won 433/444 farm-dependent counties this election. That’s 97.5%.
The same farmworkers that voted for Trump in the first place?
Edit: I’m not referring to the undocumented workers, but their citizen peers and employers that are currently fighting to keep the undocumented workers from being deported.
Between SCOTUS’s ruling on legal protests, and Kristi Noem’s appointment to DHS, I wish you luck.
You can create an archive of your emails using Mail in MacOS also.
Almost 100,000 in Michigan alone likely flipped the swing state.
No need. I’m pretty sure Trump will fuck them with round 2 of the Muslim ban, but I hope I’m wrong.
I’m not saying it’s eco-friendly. I’m saying it’s far less damaging to the environment to drive an electric truck than it is to drive one that runs on gasoline or diesel.
We can continue to address it culturally while they transition to less harmful vehicles. We’re not changing the behavior of an entire nation fast enough for that to be our only action.