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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • 99 is quickly becoming a majorly trafficked freeway as the Central Valley is rapidly growing due to cheap land, well paying jobs and… a new high speed rail being built right alongside 99. It’s literally all the news about California’s “massive waste of money” high speed rail. I’m planning on high speed rail growing the valleys commerce and output due to ease of travel. However 99 is insanely small and has tons of rough patches and cracked roads due to decades of neglect.

    126 million is small potatoes in this state. Especially when it’s likely that state, federal, and cities/counties are also kicking in money for this operation. Madera, Merced, Fresno, that whole stretch is growing like crazy right now.

  • Iraq was a mistake (well, really more a crime), however Afghanistan was a complicated mess. The Taliban was harboring al-Qaeda. Was it a mistake for us to have spent decades there? Absolutely. However for going after the people who planned 9/11 it was the best area at the time for us to be in.

    9/11 wasn’t a government planned operation or done by a group with any one boundary. It was planned by an ideology without borders and with no official uniform or state flag. They simply wanted the US and the west to pay for crimes that went against both their ideology and that were wrongfully committed against their neighbors and friends. It was incredibly complex. We could even go all the way back and blame Bill Clinton for not having arrested Osama when he was given the chance, three times. No one expected them to do what they did to the level it was committed.

  • While I agree those are major issues, the other big reason is that we have a lot of countries doing a lot of PsyOps on our nation. That’s what happens when you’re the “world power” and people want to bring you down. The Chinese outnumber us 2.5 to 1 and the Russians and North Koreans are happy to help. As are the Iranians, half of South America and a number of middle eastern countries. It’s sort of inevitable. The problem is that when we started making and deploying this technology we put zero safe guards in place to protect the average American from this.

  • In no realm does the US consider Japan, Germany, or Singapore a rival. China is the only “rival” in there. The other countries don’t have the actual quantity of people or land size to be an economic rival. At best they could have a higher standard of living based on PPP or GDP per capita, but not anything that would overtake the US. You’re trying to turn a simple evaluation tool that every government should be using on its trading partners into some maniacal weapon of economic doom. There are lots of partners in this world. Just like everyone else if you act like everyone is an enemy then all you ever see is targets.

  • A country would meet all three if it had a trade surplus with the United States of at least $15 billion, a current account surplus of at least 3 percent of gross domestic product, and if it had engaged in persistent, one-sided intervention in foreign exchange markets.

    Being on the list isn’t a bad thing. You only have to have two of the three things listed in order to be on the list and any of our major trading partners would automatically be on it. It’s simply a mechanism for the US government to have reports on other economies it does business with.

  • I don’t disagree about support having been delayed having negative effects on Ukraine’s ability to hold its line and potentially progress. Ukrainians are also dying for this. That’s unfortunate, and at the break of this war I was fine with the US being involved to squash it immediately. However it’s now too late in it for us to be seen as protecting, and now it would be viewed as another move by America to enforce its imperialist views on the world. We’ve done enough of that for the last 80+ years. We have to stop, but our friends and allies in the EU can step up and help. Ukraine, and the rest of the democratic world, shouldn’t be so reliant on the US and its support. For obvious reasons.

  • No they shouldn’t be. I’m an avid Ukraine supporter, just check my previous comments, but this HAS to be Ukraine doing this. Especially regarding US troops. Not only would it signal a more militaristic approach, it’s also come off as more US imperialism/colonialism. I don’t want Ukraine being a puppet of the US. I want them to be free and to choose their own destiny. I’m happy to provide them weapons, and intel, and if other smaller nations wish to help and align that’s fine, but a US soldier supported by the US government makes us look as if they’re yet another country that’s a US proxy.

  • No, but that’s not the point. He’s trying to capitalize on the people that are “center” or “independent.” They have a different view of what they want. They’re the kinds of voters that are largely union, rural, live in swing areas, are likely to shift from party line votes and often their view of Israel is one that is more pro Israel. Maybe not as much “anti Palestinian” as one might think, but a viewpoint that’s very narrow sighted compared to a voter who might be more well informed. This election is a game of the middle ground, just like the last election.

    Biden doesn’t need to be popular in rural areas as much, he needs to prevent people from voting en masse for Trump in those areas. Especially in states that aren’t winner take all.