I hadn’t been to the Pirate Bay in quite some time. I occasionally pop over to look for old videos. I went today and a big popover for a dubious software upgrade came up. Then, another saying that my system is infected and offering to clean it. That’s obviously fake, but it was blocking my access to the user interface so I wasn’t able to complete my search. Closed it. That’s unfortunate.
I’ve been using qbittorrent for ten years, and now you’re telling me it has a search engine built-in?
Omg. This changes everything
Yep! Just need to add the appropriate plugins. This is also an easy way to access trackers whose websites have been taken down
Unofficial search plugins · qbittorrent/search-plugins Wiki - https://github.com/qbittorrent/search-plugins/wiki/Unofficial-search-plugins
How did I not know this too…