For the sake of the question, let’s just assume that no apocalyptic event happens that wipes out the human race.
The woke kabal of global elites will abolish traditional biological gender norms. Every character in every piece of media will rewritten be trans. Hamlet? Trans. Jesus Christ? Trans. John McClain? Trans. The global government will keep the population meek with estrogen-laced tofu and anti-gun legislation. Nobody will read Plato; the only philosphers will be Judith Butler and Jaque Derrida. White people and white culture will have ceased to exist. America will be a Communist Islamic Transocracy where conservatives are hunted down by drones that capture them and force them to read Critical Race Theory.
The Bible uses tons of masculine AND feminine descriptors for God. It boggles me that so many Christians have such a hard fucking time with trans topics.
Not trans, per se, but Jesus (or at least, symbolic representations of him and what he stands for) have been hermaphroditic from the very beginning. The source point of divinity is the Union of Opposites according to alchemists - who were quite Christian for the most part.
based based based based
You can imagine different dystopian scenarios:
- Elon builds a colony on mars. Once one million people get there, it starves to death by technical accidents and is left to its fate.
- Chinese hyper empire emerges, from Tibetan Plateu and conquers a weakened Russia. Trump is okay with it, since he is focused on “domestic issues” like removing gay rights. Later China buys Trumps advisors.
- Trump conquest of Greenland, Canada and the arctic create a new American Hyper-Empire that expands into the weakened Russian heartland and Europe.
Or to keep the status quo:
- Europe conquers Russia, and shows Trump and Xi their place.
Higher global temperature and more drastic weather. Better medicine and medical equipment but with higher costs. Decreasing global population, but more homeless people due to ai software and physical bots. The continually profitting billionaires will control more of the media to influence those below them, ie to have them fight among themselves rather than them. Probably more in “goverments” for more control. Continuing wars just different countries for profit.
This won’t be that big of a difference within that timespan, but the trend will continue as more time passes.
I try to be an optimist, but unless the underclass revolts, it’s hard to see otherwise.
There will be a lunar spacestation, according to NASA, which I’ll be looking forward to seeing, at least.
Either post or mid mass migration. Big old swaths of the earth are gonna be tougher to inhabit in the coming decades. We’ll probably pave the way with famines and genocides. I’m sure the wealth gap will only grow. Most of us will be vegetarian.
In the background of what looks like a Panglossian techno-optimist novel, horrible things are happening. Most of humanity is wiped out, then arbitrarily resurrected in mutilated form by the Vile Offspring. Capitalism eats everything then the logic of competition pushes it so far that merely human entities can no longer compete; we’re a fat, slow-moving, tasty resource – like the dodo. Our narrative perspective, Aineko, is not a talking cat: it’s a vastly superintelligent AI, coolly calculating, that has worked out that human beings are more easily manipulated if they think they’re dealing with a furry toy. The cat body is a sock puppet wielded by an abusive monster.
The planets of the Solar System are dismantled over time to form a Matrioshka brain, a vast solar-powered computational device inhabited by minds inconceivably more advanced and complex than naturally evolved intelligences such as human beings. This proves to be a normal stage in the life-cycle of an inhabited solar system; the galaxies are revealed to be filled with such Matrioshka brains. Intelligent consciousnesses outside of Matrioshka brains may communicate via wormhole networks.
We’ll be a few decades into the new dark ages and a few centuries away from restoring any kind of democracy anywhere on earth. For reasons beyond my understanding, the vast majority of people will be perfectly happy with whatever happens so it’s not worth worrying about.
A lot more water
Technically, the same amount of water, but much less of it frozen.
Handmaid’s tale.
Either our civilization collapses or we actually get past capitalism and start becoming a space faring civilization.
Well, if it’s not a post-apocolyptic hellscape I’m going to assume that someone figured something out.
I hope no human life
Everyone will become gay and artificial baby’s will produce. We will just work and no feelings. Ai and robot will be there also credit system
How are you supposed to be gay with no feelings
love will be a concept , a idea .
Underground tribes living off of the mushrooms we can cultivate. Waging war on other tribes for ressources.
Basically ‘Metro 2033’, but less cool.
less cool
Socialism or barbarism