Every tyrant everywhere and across all of history needs at minimum the acquiescence of his subjects. If we’re going to resist this we need to wake people from this idea that’s been drilled into us that voting is the only way to change politics. It’s not and never has been.
This is something that I wish more people understood.
There is no amount of authoritarianism, no amount of tyranny, that can govern an ungovernable populace. Every nation, ultimately, has the government that enough people are willing to accept. The arc between tyranny and liberty can only move the line on what constitutes “enough”.
His voters haven’t been effected yet, when that happens, then something will happen. Maybe.
Oh once that happens I imagine we’ll get the “Second amendment people” who can “do something about that”
Of course. Somehow I’d forgotten about them. How silly.
At this point it’s too late. He doesn’t need them anymore :/
And “you won’t have to vote again”…
Every tyrant everywhere and across all of history needs at minimum the acquiescence of his subjects. If we’re going to resist this we need to wake people from this idea that’s been drilled into us that voting is the only way to change politics. It’s not and never has been.
This is something that I wish more people understood.
There is no amount of authoritarianism, no amount of tyranny, that can govern an ungovernable populace. Every nation, ultimately, has the government that enough people are willing to accept. The arc between tyranny and liberty can only move the line on what constitutes “enough”.
Nah, they are too stupid, stubborn, mean-spirited, and oblivious to care. If they even notice they’ll just blame the democrats as they always do.