Coworker. I told him to fuck off with his conspiracy bullshit. But back when I patronized him, one thing he said was that he didn’t consider belief a binary as in that you either believe something or don’t. He viewed all beliefs as a continuum. You can believe one thing 10% and another thing 90%, but he wouldn’t let me pin him down as to whether he “believed” any particular thing or not.
All while trying to convince me “tall white aliens” run the U.S. government and Sandy Hook was faked by a bunch of actors and the U.S. military had invisibility technology and planes that aren’t dumping weather-controlling chemicals don’t leave trails in the sky. Pretty standard QAnon-level bullshit. But if I asked him if he believed any of those things, he wouldn’t answer. Honestly, it makes sense as a dishonest rhetorical tactic.
Dude also literally drinks borax in his juice cleanse drink.
Electricity from nuclear power plants is radioactive and that’s why people get cancer.
I suppose it is made of beta particles.
I read a lof of conspiracy nutcakery for entertainment, this one is new to me. Thanks!
Oh I like that one!
Nuclear weapons are not real, physics doesn’t work that way, all of history since the advent of nuclear weapons is a cover up / conspiracy, all physics post 1945 is a lie.
My neighbor told me I was gonna die in 1year after getting the first round of COVID vaccines. Pff. I wish! Still here unfortunately.
I’ve had nine vaccines so far and have totally died nine times over, and also I glow in the dark and Bill Gates knows where I am at all times because I run on 5G.
Ghosts are famous for believing they are still alive. Like in the Sixth Sense. Sorry for you buddy…
A friend of mine was a Nazi and believed that Jews controlled lots of stuff. He believed that they were trying to destroy white people through race mixing and therefore made the country take in more immigrants. He’s getting treatment in prison now.
I got a Nazi friend too, believes all that whacky shit. The whackiest conspiracy theory that he believes is that his brown ass is Aryan and that Hitler wouldn’t have killed him if given the chance.
Weird that you have Nazi friends. I have idiot friends, but no Nazis.
Yeah, if i found a friend was a nazi, I would have 1 less friend.
I mean, that’s pretty much where I’m at. Probably should have specified that my friend became a Nazi, not the other way around.
And is now an ex-friend?
Are you sure he’s a friend?
I have a coworker that believes every single conspiracy theory out there. Thankfully he doesn’t vote. I’ve only talked to the guy a couple times tho, so I can’t remember any of the specifics.
We should propagate a conspiracy theory that when you vote the government collected your DNA so they can eventually clone a replacement citizen and replace you. They can sneaky confuse the system only if they never vote.
Omg that’s fucking amazing lol. Say it’s done with epithelial skin cells left on the paper. A bit of science will make it more believable.
Just the other day my friend told me that if I put TikTok on my phone the Chinese government will connect my phone to all my other devices and accounts so they can get my juicy data.
Yeah we all know they already have all of our juicy data
They could skip all that and just pay for it from the THOUSANDS of companies trying to compile a “marketing” dossier on every human alive.
Edit: So that have your data, what do they think the next step is, blackmail? Our government will be throwing you in camps for gay thought crimes soon. What can china do from way over there?
Your coworker may have small testicles.
Sorry. I tried to find out what would happen if you swallowed borax. There are several other reasons not to, but I couldn’t stop picturing a conspiracy theorist talking about chemtrails and taking a sip of ball shrinking juice. Maybe he even thinks that it’s from chemicals in the tap water and therefore increases his borax dose.
I’m afraid of chemicals “they” put up there, so I will drink chemical to counter act? Is that what people are doing?
Yup. Detoxing is necessary and totally works. Your liver and kidneys do absolutely nothing and are just there to fill up space. But remember that we are only allowed to say that something contains chemicals if we dislike it.
Like everyone here in have stories but instead of adding to the pile may I offer a simple solution. I tell people who fall this stuff to make a list and post it on their fridge. If just one of them turns out to be true they can call me up and rub it in my face. There are two reasons I suggest this. First, the people in the media who push this stuff keep a steady flow of BS incoming. They put out a new one to distract from the last one. Second, back in 2011 I realized it’s like a cult and I did a little looking into what it takes to get people to snap out of it. The expert I found said there is nothing you can do, folks have to reach their own conclusions. Should any of your friends come around just let it go, don’t make a big deal about it.
If just one of them turns out to be true they can call me up and rub it in my face.
I tried something somewhat like this once.
He’d constantly be like “something big is coming very soon, just wait.” And I kept pressing him for “due dates”. Like by what date are you 99% sure “it” (like, official announcements that ETs have been living among us disguised as humans since the 60s or whatever) will have happened? Because if he gives a date, I can finally nail him down and say “hey, so, you were wrong, see? The incorrectness of your prediction is some amount of disconfirming evidence right?”
So when he finally did tell me a “due date” for one of his conspiracy theories, I kept that in the forefront of my brain. He said that Trump would arrest “thousands” of high-profile Democrat pedophiles engaged in child sex trafficking within a year after his first term in office started.
Well, it happened! Not really. All the right-wing news outlets vastly misrepresented an FBI sex trafficking bust that had nothing to do with Trump or “high-profile Democrats” as the one and the same massive bust of sex-trafficking high-profile Democrats that Q and Fox News and my conspiracist former friend had predicted. And it fell within the timeframe he predicted.
Of course, it was horse shit. This was no confirmation of his wacky theories. But to him, I was just being willfully blind to the obvious vindication of his prediction.
The lesson I took from that was that the fantasy they live in is far to resilient against actual reality to be phased even a little bit by any actual real-world events. And promising someone bragging rights “if such-and-such of your predictions come to pass” isn’t going to pan out for you as well as you might hope. It would require them to have a connection to reality for that to work, and they don’t.
What we believe shapes who we are. Belief can bring us salvation or destruction. But when you believe a lie for too long, the truth doesn’t set you free. It tears you apart.
Altered Carbon, s01e08, writer Brian Nelson
You cannot reason someone out of a POV they did not reason themselves into.
Borax?? Omigod.
All while trying to convince me “tall white aliens” run the U.S. government
This is where you ask him: How sure are you that they’re white? What if they’re grey? Or blue? What if they’re short? Or really tiny? Or not aliens at all but rather underground people? Or actually future humans? All of these are at least as likely as white tall aliens, so the chances of it being white tall aliens can’t be that high, even if it were 1% we would already covered 27% just with those cases, and adding 3 more colors we get to 54%. So definitely the chances of them being tall white aliens is much less than 1%, because I can keep adding colors, sizes or origins and they all have the same validity the chances of them being tall white aliens is infinitesimally small, which in statistics we call 0. So why bother?
One guy told me Sunkist was made by demons because the u in the logo isn’t actually a cursive u, it’s an i, so it’s Sinkist as in kissed by sin.
I have one some say is interesting.
There’s this author I’ve enjoyed, in a way where you could call her an idol of mine. She wrote a few books I liked and I knew she went by a certain name and so I looked her up in a user directory based on this just as a way to entertain myself. Sent a request to be friends. The response was “request sent” and I was like “hehehehe, there’s a really small chance that’s her”.
A week later I got a response and almost shat myself. But we talked and talked and soon she invited me to a few of her social circles. I accepted. And… one of them is a flat earther club.
I definitely don’t mind and don’t judge. We’re still strong friends, we talk every day, and I’m a VIP in their social circle (I feel honored), but she’s big on that stuff and there’s a big discussion every now and then on the shape of the Earth, and it’s an… interesting experience. So I just sit on the sidelines as the one woman who silently disagrees with the Earth being flat.
It’s’s concavelmao this really got me.
Back a few years ago, some Facebook-style rumors were spun to list reasons margarine is supposedly bad for you, including the idea that it’s made of plastic (totally forgetting the fact we have the FDA), and now nobody in my family will buy it even though butter is worse for you (and less ethical).
My father told me that Bill Gates designed and distributed COVID. Iirc to reduce world population or sell vaccines or whatever.
From that time onwards, I felt I could not guess whatsoever anymore what he’d believe to be true. All the belief in energy and human influence through thought alone and even across distance solidified that feeling.
Two weeks ago.
California’s reservoirs are empty and couldn’t fight the fires because of democrats.
You can log into a website to see the realtime water levels. They are nearly full and have been. They are also above average levels.
Brother in law has everything: hollow earth, flat earth, vaccines, chem trails.
The best: he thinks the government will steal his money if he gets a job, and that’s why he’s unemployed.
How does a hollow earth work with a flat earth.?
He never explained both at once but he was more serious about the flat earth. I guess there would be some kind of caves underneath or something where the Shrek-people were hiding. I try to avoid him actually so it’s difficult to have explanations.
One more: He had a web site for his crappy music, like some ambient and peaceful Burzum with the philosophical lyrics of a teenager (he’s 40). But the GDPR happened and he believed it was a plot from Europe to destroy all the European internet. But he was too smart for them, and he deleted his web site without asking me for explanations. He had no backups for some reason.
I mean they will steal some of your money… So that’s probably the least crazy theory
If taxes are theft then red lights are imprisonment.
In taxes yes. But he deeply believes that all his profits will be gone and he would be working for free. The truth is that he’s a failed artist and thinks his lack or revenue was a conspiracy too so…
That’s kind of wild. I thought it was crazy enough when people thought that working more hours would equal less money after taxes.