Not knowing any German I can’t tell the difference between this being correct or your putting down “the water sloshing noise machine” with a German accent.
Yes, I didn’t mean to imply that the other word wasn’t correct, just pointed it out because it means the exact same thing can be either male or female depending on which word you use.
Just switch to German, I know it’s die Geschirrspülmaschine
Not knowing any German I can’t tell the difference between this being correct or your putting down “the water sloshing noise machine” with a German accent.
They’re the same picture
(but for those curious scrollers it’s dishes sink machine)
it’s more of a dishes washing machine.
while Spüle is sink, Geschirr spülen is washing dishes. spül is not a noun in this case.
Ok then. What’s the gender of Nutella?
Clearly it’s dieras Nutella
That wasn’t covered in German class
At least in my part of Austria it’s usually „der Geschirrspüler“
Well yeah that’s a different word
Yes, I didn’t mean to imply that the other word wasn’t correct, just pointed it out because it means the exact same thing can be either male or female depending on which word you use.
Das ist die Waschmaschine! Setzen, sechs!
Die, Bart, die! Herrgott nochmal!
Rustig, rustig. Het is nog geen augustus en we zijn nog niet in Zeeland.
Did you just say The, Bart, The?
That’s a dishwasher
That’s right it’s das Kleidungumnassengerät
It’s a machine that washes, close enough
Germans: German is such a beautiful language!
It’s beautiful in its precision and how it constantly clears your throat
That’s dutch
Or Swiss German. Chuchichäschtli.