I have long hair, its VERY noticeable when I vacuum. I own a seam ripper just to cut the hair out of the spinny brush thing i dont know or remember the name of.
If I can shill for a second, we’ve got a Kenmore with a blade that automatically cuts tangled up hair while the vacuum is running and it’s fucking incredible. No straining the motor, no hot dusty hair stank, no wrestling with the vacuum on the floor. It’s intended for houses with pets, but it works on human hair just as well.
Man, I go barefoot inside and the second I feel some dirt or sand or something on the floor I break out the vacuum. I can’t imagine going a whole week.
My partner and I got diagnosed. Once I got my meds I was actually able to clean the house. It feels amazing to keep up with chores and not live in filth. It always felt like I had to force myself to continue but I’m actually having fun and feeling proud of myself when I complete tasks.
Funny, i just finished up vacuuming for the first time in mentally checks out
Straight up, the first month of taking my med I vacuumed more than I had in the previous 4 years.
Sounds insane at first but let me clarify. It’s because I vacuumed 5 times. Once for each Saturday that month.
That first trip around my apartment with the vacuum sucked a lot.
I have long hair, its VERY noticeable when I vacuum. I own a seam ripper just to cut the hair out of the spinny brush thing i dont know or remember the name of.
If I can shill for a second, we’ve got a Kenmore with a blade that automatically cuts tangled up hair while the vacuum is running and it’s fucking incredible. No straining the motor, no hot dusty hair stank, no wrestling with the vacuum on the floor. It’s intended for houses with pets, but it works on human hair just as well.
Holy shit, why have I not thought of using a thread ripper before, that’s genius!
Razor blade works as well.
In a pinch, sure. I’ve also tried with the exacto knife with better luck, but both end up leaving cut marks all over the roller which isn’t ideal.
I’ve just been using a plain old pair of scissors
Yeah, that or a pair of wire snips are my go to, but it’s such a PITA
Man, I go barefoot inside and the second I feel some dirt or sand or something on the floor I break out the vacuum. I can’t imagine going a whole week.
My partner and I got diagnosed. Once I got my meds I was actually able to clean the house. It feels amazing to keep up with chores and not live in filth. It always felt like I had to force myself to continue but I’m actually having fun and feeling proud of myself when I complete tasks.