President Donald Trump fired Chair of the Joint Chiefs Gen. C.Q. Brown on Friday night, and said he intends to dismiss the Navy’s top admiral and the Air Force’s second in command — an unprecedented shakeup of the Pentagon’s top brass that will trigger ripple effects throughout the military.
Trump, in a Truth Social post, said he was nominating retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Dan “Razin” Caine to take Brown’s place. Caine is a partner at Shield Capital, a venture capital firm.
Trump also has claimed Caine donned a ‘MAGA’ hat during their 2018 meeting in Iraq, which is against military regulations.
The army already made it clear it wouldn’t do shit back on January 6. This is just being extra.
They were ordered not to do anything. The senior officers are indoctrinated to loyalty to the country and constitution. He needs to replace the senior officers to have any chance of establishing himself as a dictator
Thanks for commenting on this … i have been asking for such comments many times to anyone since about 2 weeks now.
The US military wasn’t ordered to do anything, which was the issue.
An order for them either way to act, or to not act, would have been a point.
Ah. So they’ll be ordered to protect the country when it really matters… From trump… By trump.
Also, “they were just following orders” is a choice argument.
No, I mean they were not given any orders, is what I’m saying.
Being given an order to do something, they can choose to obey it, or not. Hopefully, they’ll go with the moral choice, whatever it is, in the case of the order being given.
Again: Why would they suddenly be “given orders” next time trump decides to violently overthrow the US government?
I am not sure what you think you are saying but you are actually saying that the US military won’t do anything unless they are ordered to. Which doesn’t work when it is the person in the POTUS seat shitting all over the constitution and trying to murder congress.
Being given an order to either aid, to to specifically stand out, or whatever, is a decision point.
Yes, they will react to the order, in some fashion. That’s what I’m saying. They likely will not react to nothing.
Got it. If nobody tells them to do anything then they will sit and wait to help the winner. Otherwise, they will react to their order, from the person leading the violent insurrection, in some fashion.
Support the troops!
Probably, yes. Because, by its nature, the US Military is not going to involve itself in politics. Trust me, you REALLY do not want the military to be a political entity.
I mean, could you imagine some Generals deciding to set domestic policy for a county, just because they disagree with the County exec somewhere?
Yes. This is accurate. They will either side with the executive, or not. And, at that point, they may side with the opposition. But it’s a hard slog to get military leadership to jump onto a side in politics. Like, we’re talking “Someone invaded a military installation, and started shooting, and trying to take it over” kind of thing. Or “The president ordered us to round up all civilians in City X”…
That’s the National Guard you’re thinking of
I’ll just speed run this interaction if you don’t mind:
We’ve been down this road. We know how it plays out. There is no “what if?” only “what happened?”
Are you sure you’re arguing with the correct person?
I’m referring to the National Guard’s action, or lack of during January 6th, at the behest of Trump.
If you need to shove all those other words into my mouth to feel smart go ahead my dude. No skin off my back.
National Guard, Marines, Navy, whatever the fuck. They are all the same thing when the country is actively under attack and the government is being hunted by an armed force.
They ALL chose to sit on their asses and wait to see who would be the winner. End of story. The military didn’t do shit and won’t do shit no matter who is in charge. Because their leadership are career bureaucrats who just want to get more medals and stars on their shoulders while collecting a paycheck in an org that, ironically, definitively proves that socialism and even communism CAN work.
I’m a socialist.
And I’m not arguing what you’re arguing.
If you need this argument, I suggest you look for someone disagreeing with you first.