I draw the line at whiskey/beer. I need both in order to watch the evening news. I won’t engage with socials until properly lubricated by both.
“This is fine.” (meme)
lol, what is your favorite whiskey for such an evening?
Generally start with crown royal and 7-up over ice until my 12-ounce 7-up is empty then switch to coors banquet (stupid stubby bottles) until it’s time to turn in - which is now.
With all those fluids, do you get up to pee like 19 times throughout the night? I would.
Have a good night! Sounds like a good way to not take in any bad news, haha
Good night ✋
I wish there was a way to stay informed without the rage-bait delivery methods
I’d be happy with a few less legitimately rage-inducing events too.
More than few of these rage-inducing events are people saying they or someone else is going to do something that never ends up happening and tens of millions of people got angry literally over nothing. A quite significant portion of today’s “news” are pure speculation.
Unfortunately we are in clown-world and the actual fucking news is rage-inducing, even with impeccable journalism.
I don’t feel rage when I watch the news, even when I see stories I don’t like.
Have an AI summarize it for you?
Slow news.
Seriously, you don’t need to know all of this shit every day. I do a weekly catch up on Saturday and indont think I’ve ever missed anything important. If anything some times gives news to clear up.
I stick to few sources that generally cover major without the doom and gloom. Generally YouTube channels are pretty good imo.
TLDR News (UK, EU and Global) is a great series of channels for that.
Caspian report on YouTube for some geopolitics/strategic outlook.
Real life lore for couple of deep dives on non-current issues.
Money and Macro for macro economic news.
Just have a think for climate science and energy transition news.
“Good news” is just nice feelgood news.
Traditional media for closely following elections when they come out such as exit polls.
For the Gaza issue I did break the cycle and check on Al Jazeera which is the best for middle East news.
I listen to my body, which includes my mind. I start feeling bad physically or mentally, I disconnect and do something else.
I have all major news sources and US politics tags blocked on Mastodon. I also continually block subs focused on US news here on Lemmy.
Frankly, I don’t trust news media or any kind. The purpose of those publications is to make sure they’re distributed as widely as possible to sell ads. So I don’t look at them unless I have to.
I do, however, follow some local chatter for my city, as the relevant news is there.
Personally I feel I manage to still stay informed, since anything of real importance will break through my block list anyway.
The purpose of those publications is to make sure they’re distributed as widely as possible to sell ads
Agree: For-profit journalism has screwed-up incentives. Not-for-profit journalism does tend to be different.
Personally I feel I manage to still stay informed, since anything of real importance will break through my block list anyway.
So you’re relying on those around you to keep you informed, despite blocking news on social media and not reading news yourself? Bold choice.
I suppose I still don’t trust the not-for-profit outlets either. Non-profit status, at least in the US, is a matter of taxes rather than one of morals.
And, yes, I do end up relying on people around me to hear about things for the first time, but I can and do look into things further from there.
There are pros and cons for this, of course, but I feel a lot calmer without the constant stream of doom in my life.
It’s also a matter of motivations. I’m not saying nonprofit status confers automatic trustworthiness, but they are missing the major incentives for sensationalism that for-profit outlets are.
That’s true. My cynicism is pretty personal. I’ve worked for a corrupt nonprofit in the past.
Read news
Get involved
Have a really good revolution
Stop ignoring your whole body telling you to resist
To do something about it
I use an RSS reader to grab headlines from several sources. I read the headlines once in the morning and once in the evening. My goal is to know what is going on. As much as possible I try not to get too emotionally engaged during this process. I try to be informed without being outraged or depressed.
Only issue with that is headlines don’t always tell the truth or the whole story
Oh shit. Drawing a line is a really good idea.
Before November, I did it by mainly looking at AP News. During November I was kind of a mess. After November, no news at all. My lemmy feed is comic strips, Linux, photography, and asklemmy, a few other things that are not political. If major shit happens I hear from my partner or friends, but they all know I’m not that interested. My YouTube feed is Buddhist stuff, standup comedy, and hobby rabbit holes. I even filtered out the lefty late night shows (daily show etc). I know the basics of what’s going on, but don’t feel any need to get daily updates on it and I’m feeling pretty sane compared to a few months ago! We donate to Palestinian charities, HRC, etc., are active in other ways, but this daily media crap is not healthy.
you really have to be a pessimist
I stay uninformed but in the rare times I want to be up to date, financial news sources are pretty good, they cover world news briefly and their kind of clickbait is easy to ignore - they don’t do rage bait but try to make you invest in something.
You can read a list of news article titles and not go deep.
I log out when I start feeling helpless and high anxiety and then I go find things that I can control to feel less helpless/anxious.