The United States has placed Switzerland on a list of countries with “unfair trade practices”.
He’s doing the best Zapp Brannigan impression I’ve ever seen.
That’s too perfect. Thank you.
Billy West is a national treasure
Well he really must hate those filthy neutrals.
He heard they had nazi gold and decided it must be for him.
LOL… well the clowns were elected to the presidency… why are we surprised at the never ending circus?!
Time for a shot of Gran Classico in solidarity with my swiss friends.
As an American I would give my right nut to live there instead of here.
As Belgian I do think Switzerland is one of the best countries on the entire planet. There’s a reason why they have 30% immigrants, and it’s not because German is a fun language to learn 😁
you do not need to learn german, switzerland has german, french and italian speaking regions
The US is so fucked. People are not going to give the bully their lunch money. They’re going to team up against the bully.
Which is good, and I say that as an American. The current leadership cannot be trusted. It’s going to be a long time before we can be trusted again. If ever.
What? Swiss banks been mean to Putin?
When you think you done everything right…
Switzerland might really be one of the few countries no one can ever take over. Even if no one else cared — they will — sending troops running up a mountain where everyone has rifle skills and hidden bunkers is definitely not a military strategy I ever heard of.
…no one can fully ever take over.
Reason why the country is what it is, is because quite a few have tried an kinda stuck around.
The Nazis had every secret fortification, every hidden bunker, everything mapped out, they were just leaving them for later. Probably wouldn’t have come to that Switzerland would’ve done a San Marino, which almost holds the record as the only country to ever elect and de-elect fascists, and elect and de-elect Bolsheviks. “Almost” because the fascists went AWOL upon Mussolini’s death, before they could be voted out.
How many months is it going to take for the Magats to realize they fucked America over?
Empirical evidence says at least 100.
Even if they self aware enough to see that, they will never admit it.
they can be almost selfaware, r/selfawarewolves was a fun sub to visit.
Or they’ll say they need to go through this difficult transition in order to return to their former glory.
They won’t, they’re immensely supportiv"
I did not mean that Conservatives are generally stupid; I meant, that stupid persons are generally Conservative. .-- John Stuart Mille
These are Cipolla’s five fundamental laws of stupidity:
Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
3. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.
Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular, non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places, and under any circumstances, to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.
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Oh boy when you think you’ve done it all right with the oligarchs and stuff! NOT FAIR!
The US is on a way to piss off all of its trading partners and former allies.
Drumpf had it wrong. It’s not Zelenskyy risking WW3, it’s himself.
“Accuse the other side of what you, yourself, are doing.” The Republicans adopted the Nazi playbook decades ago.
We’re never going to recover. He’s speed running the fall of a nation.
At least Nero had some musical talent on display while Rome burned. This guy can’t even dance.
And we have been doing exactly what President Trump wants for a long time.
And now you can see where it put you. Nowhere.
Welcome to the Trump’s list of bad countries, lets trade with each other.
We’re growing fast …He’s either completely senile or doing Putin’s bidding by destroying whatever is left of the US’s international credibility.
Por que no los dos?
We’ve known he is a Russian asset since before he even became president
Does Trump want to fuck with the impenetrable banking fortress nation that is Switzerland?