I know like 3-4 people who I’d label 10x engineers and while all but one are male, they’re all non-toxic both at work and outside of work. Huge part of being 10x is enabling the rest of the team to work faster as well. If you just shit out code 10x as fast but someone else needs to pick up the slack to fix your bullshit and you don’t communicate at all because your work is sooo important, you’re not a 10x engineer, you’re an asshole. A true 10x engineer elevates everyone around them.
I know like 3-4 people who I’d label 10x engineers and while all but one are male, they’re all non-toxic both at work and outside of work. Huge part of being 10x is enabling the rest of the team to work faster as well. If you just shit out code 10x as fast but someone else needs to pick up the slack to fix your bullshit and you don’t communicate at all because your work is sooo important, you’re not a 10x engineer, you’re an asshole. A true 10x engineer elevates everyone around them.
Do they call themselves 10x?
No, I’ve never heard anyone use that term to refer to themselves. I just don’t know a lot of arrogant assholes though.
I think that’s the difference. The ones who call themselves 10x are just ridiculous alpha bros.
I mean anyone who labels themselves as top talent or alpha or whatever, is generally full of it if you ask me.