Someone advocating for bells and whistles will get eaten alive here. Too many people would rather read their feed on a git terminal. The pushback would be worse than the community drama!
Keep it light, keep it moving.
I am doing no harm.
Someone advocating for bells and whistles will get eaten alive here. Too many people would rather read their feed on a git terminal. The pushback would be worse than the community drama!
I still suck at using linux, but now I’m farther than most people.
What’s that about? Anyone know why that sentence is wedged in there without an obvious connection?
I wish “enough with the racism” would be said as readily and fiercely about actual racism.
Four?? But I’m literally right here
Alternative X Cancel link to thread:
You know it’s a weird timeline when we’re liking at South Park for political action. :S
See, I’d agree but this is Musk we’re talking about. I wouldn’t be surprised if this douche sent some poor, naive and overeager but overworked intern on a groundbreaking task to gain his admiration and trust by fudging some numbers with fake accounts. So while you think nobody needs to do that, that’s it’s terribly inefficient and only a psychopath drunk on power would pull such a thing, what you need to keep in mind is that this billionaire needs his ego stroked on every turn by some fresh young impressionable men, as he does.
I don’t know Musk personally but I believe this because there was once some poor, ground-feeding soul who went through this entire process to please his master and Tweeted about his weeks-long process adding some insignificant feature to the site as if it were groundbreaking work back when the site was still named Twitter and none of the replaced employees knew how any of that shit worked. The dude was nothing but raving and hyping himself up and down the feed kissing ass. I also believe this because one of his former team members blew the whistle on his Substack(?) on the unethical and probably illegal shit they were doing with bot accounts during the elections.
(I can try to find the blog post if you want to read it but trust me bro on the other guy.)
I remember back in my Twitter days some creationist was arguing along those lines and suddenly asks, “but how does evolution create new genes??”
I briefly explained gene duplication and mutational drift and I think their entire worldview shattered when they stopped responding. Because honestly, understanding that is key. Lol
Yeah, that’s almost what the research articles I read suggested a few years back. Like, it’s allegedly difficult to diagnose an adult who has modified their behavior over the years. So most people would need to have at least some indication of having had ADHD when they were younger to confirm their diagnosis as adults.
That’s not to say that adults with ADHD don’t exist, but the rate does significantly decrease to about half.
(Please let me know if I’m wrong, it’s been a while since my days of genotyping.)
Were they Mormon? Scientologist?
Thank you. His face still looks very punchable.
You’re not a smart otter like them. But neither am I, damn.
Ah, right, the proxy evaluation that’s so famously effective. Lol
But I would expect a complete absence of spelling errors and typos. Because in programming these things count – a lot.
Let’s not exaggerate. We have many kinds of spell checkers, all kinds of autocomplete, code reviews, automated testing, linters, and compilers that won’t compile if something is spelled wrong. Spelling is the least of a programme’s concerns, as it should be.
And die. 😊 Idc, I said it, no regrets.
I’m gay af and even I don’t like that image. Pass the bleach, pls.
Giving “everything I don’t like is woke” energy. That’s cute.
Empty bucket of water? But we booked the shark - infested waters over a year ago!
That’s putting it lightly. But I don’t blame you, language can’t easily express the level of moron we’re witnessing.
Now it’s constant, it’s everywhere, at every stop. MAKE IT STOOOOP. *gouges out eyeballs*