There’s some rights and privileges granted to minors at 15 or 16, about driving and working. Age of consent tends to hover around 17 or 18 aside from a handful of states.
Edit: LOL @ the downvote.
There’s some rights and privileges granted to minors at 15 or 16, about driving and working. Age of consent tends to hover around 17 or 18 aside from a handful of states.
Edit: LOL @ the downvote.
Age 17 and below.
Edit: oh but wow I just read the order and it defines child as anyone under 19. I’m surprised they chose to just add a year of childhood in this instance. That is not typical.
You are usually considered an adult at age 18 and granted a degree of autonomy (and the right to vote). Notable exceptions being controlled substances like alcohol and nicotine that require you to be 21.
Well, if they are flown there, take them no matter the circumstances. What else could I have possibly meant by that?
If they’re your citizens and they’ve been nabbed off the street in a hostile foreign country (USA) don’t make them suffer for your principles and let them end up in some camp or holding cell, because that’s what these nuts are gonna do. They 100% will be abused if they get rejected back out of Columbia, because that’s a clear sign no one cares about their well being.
Why? What’s that got to do with anything? It’s not what happened in the article. You’re just making a strawman argument.
If the Nazis have grabbed your citizens, please take them back. Leaving them in the hands of Nazis is a cruelty of its own.
Huh? What are you talking about? That’s not a statement trusting Trump. The headline implies the flights were rejected. They weren’t. Drink more coffee dude. It’s Trump’s propaganda that they were rejected.
I mean… he didn’t ban the flights in the first place. He just declared he would not accept his countrymen being treated poorly on return. I think the objection was packing them all in military planes instead of normal commercial flights your average person travels. It had more to do with mistreatment of their citizens in the process of repatriation, which is valid.
No. Part of it was whether she was making the comment based on race. Don’t move the goalposts now that I gave the examples you asked for.
Well it does matter, because it’s reality. You exist in the real world, not just an online world made up of echo chambers to your liking. People are going to make jokes not to your taste and they aren’t monsters because you don’t have the same sense of humor.
It’s not like I’m saying it’s an appropriate thing to say to a child in a classroom, just that it’s an established joke and not a default “this person is a racist” kinda comment.
$3.99 CA Bay Area
Oh yeah, big time trivial. Like a joke even.
You’ve got Google so you can look it up yourself. But heres a few of many different references to the joke:
Chris Distefano, a pretty well known comedian does a bit on it.
Here’s a t-shirt from a baby clothes website: https://heybaby.threadless.com/designs/tiny-terrorist-stretch/kids/baby-t-shirt
https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1aeyxhj/toddler_terrorist_organization/?rdt=37501 A mother calling her toddler a terrorist in a funny video
There obvioualy won’t be a video of a teacher saying it because you don’t film other people’s children and post it online.
Ehh except it is something people say and when pointed at children is a cheeky acknowledgement of how children are completely unreasonable sometimes.
It’s very common to refer to children (most often toddlers) as terrorists. Ive seen it countless times in mom groups and it never has any hate behind it.
Elon is a Nazi because he does Nazi salutes and courts favor with Nazis, and reposts nazi propaganda, calling it true. It’s not comparable.
When conservatives say we have “woke mind virus” this thread is exactly what they are talking about. It’s embarrassing watching something so trivial get blown into some hateful act.
Next time there’s an oil spill it’ll be a “Gulf of Mexico” instead of “Gulf of America” problem I bet.😆
You’ve been infected by racism towards Mexico without even noticing. The migrant workers aren’t all at risk of starvation or being murdered. There’s just a better opportunity in the US. It’s just a better life, not often so dire as you are making it out to be.
People make moves all the time for opportunity. Nothing special here. It’s not the hellscape you are imagining for these millions of people.
Oh then read the Wikipedia page you referenced. It actually gives examples supporting my statement.
And once again, I am not saying it isn’t racist today or that people weren’t racist back then or that the word is OK today or any of the other weird things people keep acting like I said.
I lost my patience with people being willfully ignorant a while ago. I just thought it was an interesting moment in time to see how language evolved. Not terribly dissimilar to many other terms people used to use that later morphed into slurs.
I’m not either. But there’s a difference between isn’t and wasn’t. But again, you don’t care. I’m still not defending racism or racists or racists using the term as a slur later. Ive been super clear. I was just providing historical context.
“at the world’s inception” should have clued you in on the jest…
Ya know what’s crazy? I got a Steam link when it became available and it barely worked because my computer and router sucked more than I realized at the time. Then last year someone made a video about it and said how awesome it was and I remembered I had it and plugged it in.
They were right! It still works great, and since I’ve upgraded everything since then, I now know my computer was the bottleneck back then. I’m curious what new features a new Steam link could add to make it worth a whole new device at this point.