Alright now eli5? Everything is jelly?
I use Arch btw
Alright now eli5? Everything is jelly?
Exactly my point. It tends to be the case too.
I didn’t get the chance to vote in the last two presidential terms that’s correct. I also had political views back then. The difference here is we reelected someone we knew was garbage, and not only that but a threat to our democracy.
Before that, I could see the flag as a symbol of hope, and a symbol that if there is an inherent goodness in all of us, maybe, a slim majority of us can vote for someone less bad than the orange rapist.
After the election, if I had a flag to wave, I would rather pull it down or fly it upside down out of embarrassment. We truly are a nation run by idiots.
Found the anarchist
Yeah but if I see an Australian or New Zealander fly their flag I’m like “they’re probably chill”. If I see someone waving a bit american flag I would think they were going to shoot me and call me the n word
Reminds me of boeing
Toilet paper all over again
My sincere apologies
You just made donvict a little bit richer
Everyday I read wikipedia and everyday, I learn something new. Fucking love this free resource
Yeah it works. What’s the deal? You’ve got mp3s and then you got flac if you’re audiophile.
My right wing college prof was ecstatic about this. Wanted bibles in schools and paddles for spanking too.
I’ve never paid much interest in sports so I guess I’m boycotting
They’re a bit stubborn but I guess they kind of opened their eyes now
Freedom for me not for thee
In other places flying swastikas is illegal
No no no it’s clearly DEI
shooting Palestinians
“Seems like you guys have no choice here but to leave”
This must’ve what Hitler said about Poland
Some people got teslas before they realized elon was nazi garbage. However, if you got a cybertruck, might be fair game.