Unfortunately most of my coworkers are still brainwashed and mindlessly following and lapping up everything that’s happening. I can count on one hand the techs I work with who have their eyes opened at this point.
Unfortunately most of my coworkers are still brainwashed and mindlessly following and lapping up everything that’s happening. I can count on one hand the techs I work with who have their eyes opened at this point.
This is literally my interpretation of the right to bear arms and the right to an organized militia. Not to mention the right to protest and freedom of speech and freedom of press. Those were written for this very exact purpose. Maybe for other purposes too, maybe not, but this is the exact shining example of what I feel the forefathers had in mind regardless of their individual characters, this is the best gift they could’ve given their new country made up of multiple states. The Union of States in America. When we organize we need to make sure that whatever we do, we keep this in mind. And to make sure we aren’t afraid to be loud about what this nation is, and always was, at its core. And we need to take our goddamn freedoms for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness back and take them fucking seriously and never entertain anyone who doesn’t.
Where’s the goddamn sign-up link.
As far as phones go, the Razor Phone 2. It hurts to hold for too long.
Dafuq? For just a vote?
I’m literally killing myself
Well that’s perfectly themed with today’s events if true
If it ends up being a good phone, I’d but it
This is actually what got me to swap as it reminded me some content will be banned, and so the social media I’ve had for over a decade and thought was going to be the only classic site to retain freedom of speech and expression had proven itself that they will not be afraid to start taking baby steps towards controlling and censoring media. And in the contents section of this post was a person spreading the news of this alternative. So here I am.
Like Germany and Canada who were having issues recently with their far right extremists (to a smaller scale) shortly after the US election. I don’t know what countries are all starting to see an uptick in far-right extremist groups, but it’s not just the US. A ripple-effect is forming.