it’s like you believe you can tariff them expecting they won’t do the same. Why do you believe the rest of the world is not going to retaliate and why do you believe America can prosper without the rest of the world?
What’s the point of having a military alliance with countries you puts tariffs on? That’s unfriendly to say the least.
They don’t care about cooperation, everything is a deal to them. If some other country has something, we don’t. The entire worldview of Republicans is just capitalism, if something can’t be framed in terms of profit it’s not worth pursuing.
They’re fucking Ferengis
Don’t insult Ferengis. They’re actually smart.
And comply with contracts
They’ve been whitewashed over time as ST gets farther from the left. The OG ferengi would only have complied with a contract if they thought they’d get caught breaking it, which is honestly a more accurate satire.
Rule of Acquisition #17: A contract is a contract is a contract… but only between Ferengi.
Ferengis were meant to be a caricature of our current society, so yes, Ferengi fits.
Simple. We only really need one ally! Russia. With our good and dear friend Vlad!
I imagine it’s so no one would be willing to come to our aid as he destroys the country.
Echo chamber problems lol.
Y’all have banned or bullied every single Republican or conservative person off this website.
You can’t talk to people who aren’t here.
Source on that claim? I’ve seen you claim that a bunch on here, and I have yet to see any of it being true.
Hold up! The truth matters again‽ I thought I’d never see the day.
Probably the downvotes on his comment are a liiiitttttllllllleeeee bit indicative
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Aren’t you a conservative? Are you banned? Is this real?
- Not a conservative.
- I am currently banned from like 30 different subs and like 10 of them I don’t think I even interacted with whatsoever.
- Is anything real? Won’t know till we die.
Still waiting on that source.
Fucking source for what?
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All you have to do is look at what happened to the conservative community. There was a post asking whether it was meant for trolling conservatives or for actual discussion, and the resounding answer was that no conversation was possible with conservatives or anyone who holds right of center views.
There were a few lemmings who posted in support of allowing conservatives to have a place to chime in, and they were downvoted into oblivion.
That’s being bullied off of Lemmy, which is fine, communities are self organized and managed, and chasing away wrongthink is apparently what the vast majority of this platform wants.
Again, all of that is fine, but we shouldn’t pretend chasing those people off wasn’t the intended outcome, or that this isn’t an echo chamber.
I appreciate you reiterating my point much better than I was going to.
Very weird how some people are in denial about Lemmy and it’s treatment of users that don’t align politically with the majority.
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That’s easy. Constitutionally, you can’t be President longer than 2 terms. Wartime emergency powers can stop elections, cementing power permanently.
In the United States war and martial law does not stop the election cycle. There is zero precedent to support this, even Roosevelt had to campaign during WW2. In fact, the constitution is quite clear on the opposite - it perscribes elections must be held, offering no mechanisms for deferment.
If precedent still mattered, that would be comforting.
Ditto for the Constitution
The people you need to hear from aren’t using Lemmy.
Conservative on appears to be conservatives.
I have my doubts about that. Most of the mass posters are too “conservative” and lean extremely hard into stereotypes. They take racism and bigotry just a bit too far in many cases and it doesn’t quite align with actual conservative bigots and racists that I know.
It wouldn’t be surprising if most of the “conservative” communities are part of the same troll farm that lives primarily on other instances.
This is all speculation, of course. But, organized campaigns to spread discourse on social media are real and some of these trolls are really good at what they do.
OP’s also not going to get an answer that’s interesting or helpful out of them even if you go to where they live and ask and don’t get immediately flamed for asking.
There’s no acceptable answer for it. I have plenty of conservative friends and I could make sense of voting for Trump the first time. Not for me, FUCK that, but not all Trump v1 supporters were racists and there were valid conservative reasons to vote for him. He was definitely an unknown, nobody could have told you with certainty how he would act once in office. I could have told you what I expected and it was about as horrible as I expected, but people often see things in politicians that they want to see, rather than seeing what’s really there.
But any of the “OK to vote for Trump v1” falls apart completely for Trump v2. We saw what his first term was like and especially how it ended. His campaign in 2024 was even more unhinged and less grounded in reality than in 2016. Voting for him in 2024 is really inexcusable.
The US will be unimaginably worse off by the time Trump leaves office this time, tariffs and tax cuts for the rich and inflation, it’s going to be bad for Americans on an individual level. On a global level, Trump will have shredded alliances and any goodwill we had built up over the past decades, while also validating and confirming the world’s worst concerns about us.
And when Trump does finally leave office, the people you want to hear from will largely feel like it was a phenomenal presidency. It is a cult and logic and reason don’t have anything to do with it.
I’d love to believe this, but cynical me is thinking about those conservatives that look at Milei in Argentina and legitimately think it’s going great.
Milei’s performance really does depend on your metric.
If all you care about is inflation and regulations, then he’s doing all right. Somewhere between fantastic and “eh, he’s getting there” depending on how you squint.
If you care about how many people are in poverty, or struggling to eat, he has been a disaster.
Conservatives don’t care about suffering. The suffering is natural. Life is hard. Lots of people are losers. Trying to stop the suffering just moves the pain from people who deserve to suffer (the poor) to people who don’t deserve it. (The rich)
OP should try Truth Social, I hear it’s technically a Mastodon fork…
I mean, yeah, but it’s where they would actually find conservatives…
“”“conservatives”“”. Sometimes I think the DNC is the last place to find actual conservatives these days.
the DNC is the last place to find actual conservatives these days.
There is a good reason for this. Money to win elections comes from CONSERVATIVE corporations and populism isn’t on their wish list.
- consolidated health spending for single-payer services with far less admin slop? Conservative.
- taxing like it’s 1945 to build and maintain infrastructure? Conservative.
- reliable and varies power source? Conservative.
I dunno what these guys are on about.
Can you imagine them federaring their content? What a stream of odd toots that would be!
It would be gab all over again
It’s mastodon? I thought it was a different fediverse platform.
Trump’s Social Media Site Quietly Admits It’s Based on Mastodon
Mastodon had originally threatened to sue Trump’s ‘Truth Social’ site for allegedly violating its open-source license.
Gotta love the grift - how much did they sink on this thing? And then they just stole an open source project and tried to hide it.
What’s next, TrumpOS? Reskinned Ubuntu with wallpapers and icons for $300?
Actually - anyone want to join my OS dev team?
holy shit!
Oh so it was X before Twitter. Lmao
Sadly true. We actively searched for alternatives when we realised other channels were getting too manipulative and full of hate. Those who stayed haven’t even realised it.
Is this question rhetorical? The people you’re addressing this question to aren’t on Lemmy. Try Fox News, lies social, or wherever other sewers the maggots live in.
If they were capable of thinking critically, they wouldn’t be Republicans in the first place.
I wish I was kidding.
They’re doing a North Korea. Building a completely isolated war economy.
To create the enemy without.
It pleases Putin.
You would likely get an answer akin to “they aren’t our allies, they’ve been exploiting us and now that the bill is due they are flaking”
The question isn’t stupid. But asking it here is
this question could be rephrased to:
dear idiots, why are you so stupid?
dear sociopaths, why are you so selfish?
the motivations don’t matter. they can;t be reasoned with.
conclusion: guns.
This feels so much closer to the real truth than anything. It really can be this simple for the trump cult.
You could replace all the above by “trumpist”. There is no such thing as american conservatives anymore, the only thing remaining is trumpism, a soon to be modern form of nazism.
Good luck finding many of them around here. They find out pretty quickly that they aren’t welcome.