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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 4th, 2024

  • They could have memed it to hell and back with stuff like “I did not have a sexual relationship with that furniture mr. Clinton” or “only inanimate thing im horny for is democracy” but they had to go full serious damage control mode. Like, if they told us there are no aliens invading and put soldiers in the streets we would look out for ufos. What did they think they were going to gain by that kind of response? Completely detached from the ether, they are.

  • Capitalisms’ unsustainable model of infinite growth requires something like imperialism to keep going, and even if you could point out alternative venues for capital acquisition, it’s still what people in power want, since it gives them more than just fuel for capitalism, but also more power. Countries and companies that do not rely on imperialism directly, most often rely in others that do. While it’s not entirely futile to discuss whenever that has to be the case in theorethical capitalist solution, it is the case in one we’re living under, and since it’s the ruling class of hyper-wealthy that make decisions about the worlds future and current state of affairs is result of those decisions, it is the system we have to deal with. Unless, you know, we bring out the guilottines and start over, but I don’t see much point in retrying capitalism to see if it won’t lead us down on the path to facism again.

  • I think pretending there are A LOT of people like you that want this specific thing that is kind of weird is an attempt to appeal to authority of slightly more invested in politics “masses”. If someone tells a conservative and disconnected corn farmer that ALL conservatives care about that trans thing and that it’s a danger to your style of life, and that they mutilate children, then they might not check if any of that is true. Just assume that someone did, since apparently all their conservative friends are in on it. And you might just make a fool out of yourself if you ask any questions, since you know you don’t really belong with “silent conservative majority” because unlike them you’re not invested in politics and didn’t do your research… So you better keep your mouth shut and go along with the flow. Same thing with facism. Also preys on embarassed ignorance of the “silent majority” …imo

  • I also have felt unburdened by what has been, as if a spell was cast on me. I had no doubt though that replacing Joe Biden with literally anyone, including his son or dog, would increase democrats chance of winning. I think in my case it was more of letting go of pent up anger towards the rotting carcass of the current president and all those who campaigned for his reelection. Including the lovely folk of lemmy, for whom I still might hold some animosity. To those that rode hard for Biden, a sincere fuck you.

  • I don’t know if middle name is required, and I sort of doubt it seeing as they got city wrong as well. That was most likely typed by hand, someone put in city before asking for ZIP code, I’d wager. Still, that Thomas Crooks would need to live in same neighbourhood, and arguments about it being a democrat that donated repeatedly also couldn’t be true unless they moved into this neighbourhood, made this donation, and moved out. At this point what’s inconclusive is any argument I’ve heard against this in my opinion, as most of them are invalidated by either wrong adresses or counts of donations. If you can point me to anyone else who would meet all of the criteria then I’ll concede that the evidence about this donation being made by the shooter is not conclusive, before that we can conjure magical creatures and claim it could have been them.

  • I’ll let you know I actively despise you specifically for making my lazy ass repeat due diligence in verifying information for you. This is something you could have researched yourself using advanced modern technologies such as Google. Those materials are openly available, and if you distrust my opinion, then you should never trust any sources I provide instead of researching on your own. You’ll notice that all websites I’ll provide as sources end with “.gov”, which not only means those are somewhat legitimate, but also discoverable by most lazy of fucks. Oh well.

    You can check the individual contributions here: https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor_name=Thomas+Crooks&contributor_zip=15102

    You can check the voter registration status here: https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/pages/voterregistrationstatus.aspx

    And if you use ActBlue donor data, ZIP code, and all other details we know about the shooter like their birth date and such, you will get this:

    If you search on Google Maps for “USA 15102,” you will get sent to Bethel Park, PA 15102, which we know the shooter lived in. Here’s the “source” for that:

    You might notice that on the donor registration there is a location of “PITTSBURGH, PA 15102” instead of Bethel Park, but as far as I understand the USA ZIP code system, that place doesn’t exist. 15102 points specifically to Bethel Park. You can try putting “PITTSBURGH, PA 15102” into Google Maps and you’ll be sent to Bethel Park. We can then double check if some parts of Pittsburgh are recognized as belonging under 15102 on the USPS ZIP Code Lookup Tool, instead of it being solely used for Bethel Park:

    As you can see, it doesn’t seem to be the case. So, can anyone else living in Bethel Park with this same name be the person who made the donation? Sure, but the narrative that addresses differ or that the person from this address made multiple donations over the years is fake, as you can clearly see on the donor’s receipts, there being only one donation under that ZIP code and name. By the way, you might need to use a VPN to access the www.pavoterservices.pa.gov thing. I used Opera for that as it gave me a free one.

  • Well, I’m 33 and my mother got diagnosed with ADHD few months ago, and while I know it’s sometimes genetical, it’s also the way I was raised up where my mother would chatter for hours about stuff like why we can’t water some flowers too much. The thing was she was rather introverted and something had to happen for the dam to break and her to get comfortable. So I got some mannerisms that are similar to that, but I guess I’ll need a doctor to tell nature and nurture apart. I’m not sure though if I’m ready to learn all that’s wrong with me, lol.

  • Is that actually something unique to people with ADHD? I often find myself writing way too much for other people to read kind of on impulse, get super focused on a topic and spend hours researching and adding on to the monologue, and if that’s also something someone with ADHD would do together with other stuff I suspect about myself, then maybe I should actually go and look for a diagnosis or something. Either that, or I’m boring asshole.

  • That’s because it’s a Tesla car, silly. It only allows for minimalization of victims down to a minimum of one. I’ve heard that newer models have a perdiction module, that will deploy a rear mounted gun and shot down any survivors in case of narrowly avoided car crash. The seat still does devour the driver if that happens though, for some legacy backwards compatibility reasons. As for the disembodied Voice that recites all your sins and threatens you to reveal them to the public should you NOT take the wheel and kill those people yourself, it’s apparently in spanish as well now. Such an age of wonders.