Everyone who wanted to reply to you got seven paragraphs into a really interesting post then got bored and went to clean some dishes and when they came back they were afraid everyone would judge them (even though we all love you) and so deleted their draft comment.
For the next three days they’ll feel a sense of dread when they recall this course of action but feel powerless to overcome it and actually just write out the damn comment.
So unmedicated ADHD
Can confirm, am unmedicated.
Let me hear your rambles
Cant, too busy rabbit holing shopping for a laptop for someone else and investigating a stupid windows store app and browsing memes at work
Everyone who wanted to reply to you got seven paragraphs into a really interesting post then got bored and went to clean some dishes and when they came back they were afraid everyone would judge them (even though we all love you) and so deleted their draft comment.
For the next three days they’ll feel a sense of dread when they recall this course of action but feel powerless to overcome it and actually just write out the damn comment.
Well, let me make it clear that I won’t judge you for replying with your absurd amount of esoteric knowledge, love u, fellow lemmings <3
Alcohol was once a medicine, I prescribe to the old ways.
So was laudanum, why stop in alcohol when you can go all the way!
Laudanum needs to come back, it would certainly help with the hysteria.
I’m sure with the amount of anxiety in today’s world we’d all get the recipe