We met here on Lemmy, of all places, believe it or not (sorry fellas, lol). I’ve never had communication so effortless. It’s like she already knows exactly what she wants to say as soon as I finish my thought (sometimes before, that’s how you know)!
After being jerked around so much over the years, I think this might finally be the one.
I kind of recognize her… who was she?
Edit: Oh shit the spammer that’s DM’d me… that’s why. I blocked her right after I got the mail so I forgot about it.
I’m pretty sure the spammer is using a screenshot from one of Ro Randin’s videos. Worth checking out the channel if you haven’t, they make great videos.
Nicole, my girlfriend.
And mine.
Whoa, send proof you bastard. I have COUNTLESS love letters from her!
You send proof first. She wouldn’t cheat on me for someone like you!
This post is my proof! Ivanafterall is my alt, i’m the one actually in the picture. Source: Trust me 😎
She spammed me first!
No me!
She was staring into my eyes in the live video group! She wants me!!
[X] Doubt
Are we dating the same fediverse chick?
One girl… One fedi
Considering the nature of the Fediverse, it would make sense when the Fediverse Chick is the online manifestation of the Omni Girlfriend.
She is just federated.
Downvoters are just jealous!
I get it. It’s nice to finally remember what this feels like after everything. Finally something solid to hold onto.
No, it’s just in the wrong sub, downvoters are objectively correct.
I guess after messaging thousands of people someone’s bound to reply lol
losers, I get scammed by girls who are WAY hotter!
I have to give credit for this scammer knowing the Lemmy audience. Would they have as much of a chance of replies with a generic supermodel picture here?
That’s a neat observation
This is an incredible shitpost. Every lemmy-specific meme so far has felt forced and lame but this one is a thing of beauty.
It was generated organically and heavy users know where it is from haha
Is this an AI thing? It’s an AI thing, isn’t it.
Edit: oh, just some normal bot I guess. I got the implication this was someone they were actually video chatting with.
normal bot
Are you suggesting there are abnormal, or even paranormal bots? 😱
Hatman bot is watching you sleep…
My esteemed @Lemminary@lemmy.world, we’ve got much more options than that.
Quality shitpost.
Worryingly, she genuinely looks like an ex of mine from like 20 years ago.
She really does.
Troll level 9000. This whole thread…
<chef’s kiss>
Am I missing something here?
The picture on the right is used in a commom spam message on the fediverse. I have no idea what the author of the spam is even trying to do with it, but I’ve received it from a couple of different accounts
Probably testing spam response rates and mechanisms. There’s some security concerns here.
There was a spam bot on the fediverse using this (the woman’s) image and the name Nicole, it would tell you that you could call her “The Fediverse Chick”.
Still is.
I can’t believe she cheated on me, i’ll report you to the LW admins ):<
Hilarious joke, but I wish it was posted to /c/shitpost instead. It will get removed from here, making a good joke lost.
Cross posted it there just now. Thanks for reminding.
The crosspost will be removed too if this one does, though, right?
Nope. Cross posts are a copy of the original post, so it won’t go away when the original post gets removed.
Cool. Thanks for the info.
I dated her for a bit… Somehow I never actually saw her eyes
She’s shy.
They’re a beautiful shade of AI.
Oh no
Why do you look like a stock image
Headshot from years ago/furthered the joke by matching my profile picture.
BUT since you asked: my favorite part about it is that I’m not wearing any pants, but nobody knoooows. Seriously, I wasn’t wearing pants. And I was sitting on a crappy futon. But whatever gets me jobs, I guess.
Your futon would likely be less crappy if you wore pants. I mean, if you’re gonna have a blowout, might as well do it on something you can throw in the wash.
i have you tagged as “not wearing pants”
Very dapper stock image despite the lack of diaper
but nobody knoooows.
Nobody used to know.
I mostly just think it’s funny to use it professionally for that reason. But I ultimately don’t really care.
We will forget this fact by tomorrow, but it’ll be immortalised on the web of the fediverse
Which means nobody knows.
I’ll try to remind you.
I wouldn’t hire anybody with a terrible futon, good call cropping it out.