Five Minnesota Senate Republicans are seeking to dub “Trump derangement syndrome” (TDS), a term coined to describe a form of criticism of President Donald Trump, as an official mental illness recognized under state statute.
Eric Lucero, R-St. Michael, Steve Drazkowski, R-Mazeppa, Nathan Wesenberg, R-Little Falls, Justin D. Eichorn, R-Grand Rapids, and Glenn H. Gruenhagen, R-Glencoe, are the five politicians who drafted the bill that would add the so-called “syndrome” to a lengthy list of definitions related to mental health care in Minnesota.
If passed, a section of a statute that includes definitions for terms including “diagnostic assessment” and “outpatient services” would be appended to add one for TDS. The authors describe TDS as “the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal persons” in reaction to Trump’s policies.
If something like this passed, wonder how easy it would be for the authorities to confiscate someone’s weapons and/or forcibly relocate them to a ‘mental asylum’ for ‘treatment’ to cure their ‘TDS.’ Big 1984 vibes in this bill.
So if I don’t like a felon rapist traitor I have a mental illness?
Call me cRaZy, but I think conservatives are the ones with a mental illness if this is how they think (or don’t think).
As long as we classify “TDS” as people who wallpaper their whole house in Trump election signs
I swear TDS originally referred to this. People who unquestionably supported trump back when no reasonable person did. And over time, somehow, the internet twisted it to mean the opposite. Even though it doesn’t even make sense as the opposite.
fReE sPeEcH
Can I use this to get out of work with pay? Pretty sure symptoms will clear up in 4 years?
I wouldn’t try that.
Recycling this quote and article again:
Be judicious about the degree of productive capacity you can exhibit…
Our goal, in short, is a humane alternative to genocide.
Holy fucking shit. The fuck does he consider inhumane!
always projection
They are never beating the cultist allegations. So many weak ass men idolize this man.
sure… so long as he can’t use it to get a lighter sentence in court.
Trump is deranged, and it’s contagious…
Horrifying. This will be used to detain and disarm political opposition.
Bingo. Disarm, detain, distrain.
I’ve been having a recent craving to rewatch Conspiracy (2001) in light of the past year.
I can’t bear to read the article. I want to believe this is a joke or clickbait
All those who oppose us must have a mental illness because we’re so nice, who would want to oppose us?
These people are just comically evil, like a Disney queen type evil
Being genuinely nice equates to being weak in their perspective. Being nice is only relevant when it’s a tool for getting something in return.
It’s a code red snowflake alert
It’s a foundation for imprisoning political opponents.
That too
All performative. MNGOP has been ineffectual and effectively out of power for 30+ years.
Performative in MN, but in locations more sympathetic to the GOP agenda is it a beacon of inspiration and blueprint for legalized oppression?
Perhaps. But it won’t be a success story here. Minnesota has odd politics. We’re quite progressive for the US and extremely oddly progressive for the Midwest/Great Plains. Even our dyed in the wool conservatives are fairly libertarian (actual definition, focused on personal freedoms) in their beliefs.
Of course we still have our share of hateful and misinformed people, but this tack isn’t going to be very popular here.
It’s one of the reasons it’s in my top 2 places to live within the next couple years.
I moved to MN about a year ago. Its a good choice
Well I was born and raised here, so I’m very biased, but I love it. Nature is everywhere, we have a ton of true wilderness, and people are generally very polite and kind. Lots of different cultures in the melting pot and fun cities/towns big and small.
Add onto that our politics (in the metro area especially) and it’s hard to beat.
Remember when Republicans at least pretended to be the party of free speech?
Also, in addition to what others said, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t liberals and leftists that pushed for videogame ratings after Mortal Kombat in the 90s. That was frightened conservative boomer “think of the children” shit. They were also blaming Doom after Columbine instead of, you know, the fact those two had such easy access to firearms and untreated mental health issues.
There were plenty Democrats involved in that. The explicit lyrics stickers on music were pushed by Tipper Gore.
Then again, you can’t can these people leftists to begin with.
They campaigned on it last November.
that shtick went out the window, for me, during the bush the lesser reign when they pushed “freedom fries”. fascist language control right there.
I can point to that and say the republican (specifically) and american (generally) freight train was already clearly off the tracks.
edit: missed word.
Lol, they never were.
Reagan was known for the Fairness Doctrine.
George W. Bush attacked protestors in NY and labeled it terrorism to criticize his administration.
Sooooo, never were.
I really don’t think they ever were a “Free Speech” party.
McCarthy went after Hollywood movies that didn’t even use the word “Socialist.”
Givng birth control information was “pornography.”