For mine, it would be general tso’s chicken I got from the grocery store last weekend, made me throw up like 8 times, was prob food poisoning.
I picked and ate a leaf of what I thought was wild garlic but it wasn’t. It felt like a bomb had gone off in my mouth. I sprinted home and washed my mouth out with everything I had, including wine and 51 pastis but nothing helped.
No permanent damage afaict.
Either that one time I had boiled ocra or when I yack’d across the room after eating a bowl of Grape Nuts cereal, which, as it turns out, was accompanied by a high fever.
An aunt used to make these lamb cakes for Easter. They always looked fantastic with the frosting and coconut, but they were surprisingly dense, and they tasted like they were made with lamb fat or something instead of butter.
I am food adventurous and will eat just about anything, but inedible doesn’t begin to describe these cakes, and she had no clue they were terrible, so she kept making them for years.
18 yo, senior year. Went to the house where the mom stocked lots of junk food for the teens who hung out there (it was a party house, the sort where she looked the other way to keep us from getting arrested by being out and about).
Got super high. Microwaved some chicken wings. Took a couple bites before realizing that though they were breaded, they were not cooked. Went in the backyard and stuck my fingers down my throat. Was in fear of food poisoning but got lucky. Never breathed a word about it to my friends.
The coffee I made in School. I was allowed to use the Teachers Machine but my coffee Pads got Bakteria or smth by storing them in high Humid places without closing it.
The taste was horrible of the coffee but I was just adding more sugar… it still tasted weeird. I still had two of them because of an exam…
I felt like dying, by vomiting 30 times and needing to go to ambulance. It took a few hours and insulation, till I was allowed to go Home at 4am. I couldnt even move so weak I was over time, but probably it was because of the Drugs and panic of the assistance. She just asked me how much I got of this stuff and I just didnt know, so she gave me the same stuff again. Felt like doubling down on the drug with insulation. I think it was pain relieving.
Years ago. Client on-site meeting had run long past lunch. Was in a hurry to drive back home and beat the traffic. It was 1-hour normally, but 2-3x during rush hour.
Saw a sign for a ‘natural’ market. Pulled in. They had an open-face cooler with prepackaged foods and drinks. Sandwiches looked a bit stale. Grabbed a ‘Fresh Vietnamese Shrimp Spring Roll’ and a drink. Hopped on the freeway. Ate in the car.
Never Again.
PS: Still got stuck in traffic.
Had a 5 cheese Stromboli. Nothing was wrong with it but I did find out my lactose intolerance had advanced from stomachaches and gas to full on diarrhea.
Visited an island near my hometown. It’s not much of a tourist spot so there was only one hotel. We stayed overnight and had dinner and breakfast the next morning in the hotel. While on the boat on the way back to the mainland, I was feeling a little weird already. I thought I was just getting seasick so I brushed it off. When we got back, that’s where I started puking and shitting alternately for the entire day, had a fever, and wasn’t feeling good for the next 3 days. I don’t even remember what we ate anymore, but that was definitely the worst.
Was on holiday a few years ago and came down with food poisoning a couple of hours before catching the flight home.
I was vomiting every 30 mins like clockwork. In the taxi to the airport, while queueing at the airport, on the flight, while heading home at the other side. Just awful. I’d never been that ill before or since.
Vomited subsided after the first day but couldn’t eat much for a couple of days after otherwise it was back to square one. Was heavily fatigued for about a week after.
I won’t say what country I was in or the specific dish I suspect made me ill, but I will say i think it was a chicken casserole-type dish I had 36hrs prior. Its served in a signature pot and the restaurant was busy. Having worked in kitchens in a former life I think they re-used the pot and leftovers from another customer and just topped it off. That or the chicken was bad.
I threw up during pregnancy once when I had just had OJ and brussel sprouts. It was years before I could take even a sip of orange juice without feeling nauseated all over again.
I’ve ended up in the ER with food poisoning twice, from two different delis. Worst $2000 sandwich cries in US
One time, I had a dream where I was eating something (I totally forget what it was), and the smell and taste was like the most putrid mix of vomit and sewage.
When I woke up, even though I hadn’t actually eaten anything, that smell and taste sensation stuck with me all day. I had absolutely no appetite that day.
The very next day I was extra hungry, and the bacon, eggs and biscuit I had for breakfast tasted so damn good, it was almost as if I had never eaten an awesome meal before.
Got food poisoning at Subway. It was years before I could even walk by one without getting nauseous. I got adventurous and tried it again one day, got sick again. Safe to say I don’t go there anymore.
I had symptoms of campylobacter. It was fast food chicken so I brought it on myself. Two weeks of spraying yellow liquid out of my ass approximately 20 min after eating.
Ate sushi on a date.
Shit my pants while we were walking afterwards. The other guy was a champ, we still hooked up afterwards.
A different time I was eating a fried chicken sandwich and the very last bite was100% raw and cold like it was sticking out of the fryer. The restaurant made me a brand new one for free. Ate that one and it was good. Didn’t get sick.