There should be absolutely no room for any kind of personal distinction between the two.
Knowledge can be proven.
Faith/belief cannot be proven.
If you can prove something is real then you cannot believe in it.
I don’t believe the moon is real because I have knowledge that it is indeed real, and I can prove it by telling you to just look at it.
I cannot factually know that God doesn’t exist because I cannot prove that using any kind of experiment or test, so I cannot “know” that it’s true no matter how strong my belief in that statement is.
Any “personal definition” of either of those is factually wrong. If we could all walk around with our own personal meanings behind concepts we wouldn’t have a functional language.
We’ve had Russians, North Koreans, and Indians fighting in Ukraine with Chinese supplied weapons against Ukrainians armed with American, Polish, German, British, and other European weapons in a war that’s been going on for nearly two years.
Can we call it a World War yet?
Or are we just going to refuse to use the word until nukes are dropped?
We can also throw in the Middle Eastern theater for good measure too if that’s not enough.