Not financially, we used to go on holiday 3 weeks a year in a touring caravan, plus multiple weekends, in my teens we’d go skiing for a week. Based on that alone I’m not even in the same league.
Part of me wants to think so; I’m making a lot more money than they did at my age, even accounting for inflation. Aside from my car note, I’m debt-free. All objectively good things.
They had each other though. I’m a few years older than they were when they had their first kid, and they’d been married for a few years before that. I’m alone, and after I had some bad experiences, I don’t bother with dating. Whether that’s “better” than what my parents did or not, I don’t think it’s fair for me to decide.
No, not even close.
Gosh no, not in Canada.
They paid 170k for a great house in one of the nicest neighborhood of Montreal in the 90s. I’ll be paying 3x more for a super basic house in a shitty neighborhood. I was lucky enough to buy a house before the pandemic so I made a profit selling it, but even with that I won’t even come close to their way of living.
My parents had three kids and owned a 150 m² house in the countryside. I earn more than they used to and I’m renting a single room in a house with four flatmates.
Well, I managed to avoid my mother’s mistake of marrying one of the first guys I seriously dated, so I haven’t had to go through a divorce yet like she did. However, she’d owned two houses by now, and I’ll be lucky to get one before 40. Seems like no.
Nope, and the horrible thing is that I have a high earning job while they didn’t even work, they got to live off of my grandparents’ wealth (which was half from actual impressive entrepreneurship and half from just buying cheap land that over the years became very valuable) and then they mady terrible financial decisions (as rich kids often do) and now I get to earn my own money. I’m glad that I get to be independent, but sure would have been fun to have some family wealth as well…
Financially? No Psychologically? Also no but I’ve actually got therapy and taken a step to breaking generational trauma so that’s something!
I cannot own my own house. Something about I don’t earn enough.
I am allowed to pay rent at nearly double what a mortgage would be and this is financially allowed.
No. I’m not in a bad spot but definitely not as comfortable as I grew up.
In some ways, sure. I’m not religious, and I don’t have children. In terms of finances, no.
I am very much so … but that’s only because both my parents were shithead drug addicts in their 20s. My mom got in AA and turned her life in to a better place but she was starting again from the bottom. My dad didn’t get help and was still using and dealing and struggling last time I heard.
Much better, and certainly without them.
In terms of satisfaction? No. In terms of finances? Not sure. By my age, my parents were together, my mom had my sister and my dad became a step father to her, they had a lot of friends and were very popular. Me…not so much in any of those things. But I’m living comfortably in my own apartment, no kids or S.O. so I have a lot of spare cash and a lot of things I like. I don’t know if my parents had the same pleasures as me at this age.
Happier, maybe. My dad is an okay guy but they weren’t happy together, my mom wanted out of the marriage for decades. Financially I’m so far behind, it’s not even close.