Let’s let him be president for life, as long as that life is less than four more years. Anything beyond that has a “second amendment solution”, as I’ve heard countless Republicans describe.
as I’ve heard countless Republicans describe
99% of whom are fucking chicken hawks.
The only ones who put their money where their mouths are got arrested for occupying BLM land in Oregon, or later, Congress.
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Was it not already clear last time when he encouraged his followers to launch an insurrection when he lost?! How much fucking warning do you need?
The insurrection happened because conservatives saw that they couldn’t win democratically.
This time they did, with the help of voter suppression.
… win democratically. This time they did, with the help of voter suppression.
So, they didn’t.
with the help of voter suppression.
And amplification of the anti-electoralist/accelerationist cult’s propaganda.
And with the help of the other right wing party, by putting forth a candidate who insisted everything is fine, even when it isn’t.
Whose life? He can’t possibly live that much longer tbh
Realistically, his life probably won’t last until the end of his term. It’s vance’s theocratic dictatorship you need to watch out for.
With any luck he’ll only live a couple more days.
But hopefully he waits until the 4 years term is done. I gotta agree with the other guy who pointed out that vans is basically a nazi but unlike trump, vans would probably not care about “coming out” and doing what nazis do.
I mean, it’s pretty obvious to anyone paying attention.
He wants to be America’s Putin
And to think, just one bullet could make his dreams come true.
Knowing American history … they only reserve bullets for the good ones
When ‘jokes’ align with actions, they stop being jokes—this is a blueprint for authoritarianism. Well-supported claims and critical analysis.
Hopefully not very long then.
Gonna be a short life if he tries… lol.
I hope you’re right, but we can’t even get our fellow citizens to vote against fascism. Now some are expecting these same people to protest, engage in economic boycotts, risk their livelihoods by staying home from their jobs, and more!?
I mean, I can’t fault anyone who chose to sit out this election… they were offered 0 good choices.
I can… We were offered outright fascism or a continuation of slow decay. At least the slower option gave us much-needed time for positive change
I dunno, I’d rather rip the bandaid off, because keep going down the “slow decay” route just means we kept strengthening the machine that is bringing us fascism, making it a more solidly in place system…
But you’re right: Fast descent to fascism, or slow descent. But, a fascist was the only options presented.
His own guys tried to shoot him already. Twice. If he tries to outright break the constitution? Won’t take long.
And he’s out right attacking the agencies that would prevent such a righteous act as well, so i imagine the odds of success are only going to go up.
Funny you think those were legitimate attempts.
Even if he doesn’t live through his term, the action of evading term limits will surely have much longer impact as it opens new doors for dictators.
Best case scenario he finishes his prep to abolish term limits and fails to kill elections.
Then we get Obama/Waltz 2028.
By dying within three years?
He scrapped USAID. The CIA is gonna take that a lot more personally than ‘he didn’t escalate our harebrained scheme in Cuba to a full war’.
Were the CIA to effective take steps to defend American democracy from authoritarianism they could almost be forgiven for all their other fuckery.
I really really really hope you’re right
That… can be arranged